Mouse Pointer Issues in AutoCAD 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by SteveW949, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. SteveW949

    SteveW949 Guest

    We are having a problem with one of our users. They will be working on
    a drawing in AutoCAD, and all of a sudden the pointer will only go up
    to a certain point on the screen and won't go any farther. You can
    still use the mouse to select Menus in AutoCAD and other things, but as
    soon you try to move it back into the drawing window, it will only let
    you go up to a certain point. Here's what we have tried to try and fix
    the problem:

    1. Gave him a new mouse with the latest Intellipoint drivers from
    2. Had someone else open the drawing he was working in and they were
    unable to re-create the problem he is having.
    3. Reloaded his AutoCAD.

    We also had the user login to a new machine and the problem following
    him to that machine. We do use roaming profiles, so we figured it was
    a problem with his roaming profile when the problem following him to a
    different machine. However, after re-creating his user profile from
    scratch, he is still having the problem. Has anyone ever experienced
    this problem before?

    Steve Walker
    SteveW949, Jun 10, 2005
  2. SteveW949

    per.corell Guest

    Eh --- did you turn Snap off ?

    per.corell, Jun 10, 2005
  3. SteveW949

    SteveW949 Guest

    What is Snap?
    SteveW949, Jun 11, 2005
  4. SteveW949

    l94 Guest

    A tool that restrains cursor movement to a grid pattern in the drawing.

    This could be your problem but, I have seen exactly what you are talking
    about in certain drawings, although it has been a while.

    First toggle SNAP on and off by clicking the SNAP button in the status
    bar. Then once you get that figured out, turn it OFF.

    If the problem persists, consider wblocking your entities to a new
    drawing file, or saving as R12 DXF (and select the entities), or
    possibly opening the drawing in IntelliCAD, Microstation or another CAD
    program, and saving again.
    l94, Jun 11, 2005
  5. SteveW949

    SteveW949 Guest

    Toggling SNAP on and off did not fix the problem. We have also noticed
    the problem happening in a blank, brand new drawing with nothing in it.
    That eliminates the possibility of it being drawing related.
    SteveW949, Jun 14, 2005
  6. SteveW949

    per.corell Guest

    So realy you don't know if the system even respond ?

    Did you try drawing a line with @ option --- have you checked if
    cooerdinate readout change without the mouse pointer change ? Are you
    sure this guy isn't carrying his own magnetic field ;))
    --------- anyway do the mashin even respond if you type say (+ 2 2) ?
    per.corell, Jun 14, 2005
  7. SteveW949

    David Guest

    Copy someone else's profile.
    Rename it, but NOT to the same name as the user with the problem.
    When you tried creating the new profile for the troubled user, the info
    leaks back in that was deleted.
    I know that is not a technical term.
    The problem lies in the windows settings fighting the AutoCAD settings is my
    David, Jun 16, 2005
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