Mouse double click does not work in IC5.0.32 Linux

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tritue, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. tritue

    tritue Guest

    I can not make the double click works in IC5.032 linux.
    The same version work fine on Sun OS.
    It is a problem since the first release of IC5.0 on linux.
    I play with the double click timeout in CIW option and also in the window
    manager but the outcome is the same.
    IE: while working with analog artist in the change Variable dialog, I can
    not double click on the variable to modify it property, I have to click the
    next button until I reach the desirable variable.
    It also happen to any file browser within DFII environement.
    The double click work well on the native linux file manager.

    Any body has the same problem.

    Thank in advance
    tritue, Dec 5, 2003
  2. tritue

    Guest Guest

    I assume you are using the GNOME desktop. This is a known problem with GNOME.
    There currently is no workaround, other than to use a different desktop, such
    as CDE or KDE.
    If you use GNOME desktop on Sun Solaris you will see the same problem.

    Note that this problem is not unique to Cadence software. I have duplicated
    the problem with a simple Motif testcase, and I have seen a report of the
    same problem with Tcl/Tk.

    We are currently trying to ascertain if the problem will be fixed in GNOME
    (I think it was introduced in GNOME 2.0, but may have been in earlier
    versions) or whether we have to implement a workaround in our software.

    -Pete Zakel

    "Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
    Guest, Dec 5, 2003
  3. tritue

    B Guest

    Yes I do have. The problem is still there. But, fortunately(or
    unfortunaly) I rarely use that form or analog artist for
    that matter. When I did, I type them manually.(this is just for
    LVS puposes on 2 or three cells with 3 param or so.
    But I think, for someone who uses this env, this is frustrating.
    The other problem I have most of the time is with copy/paste
    the paste always adds 10-15 rubbish chars that I have to remove
    each time.
    I did not bother open a case, because the first question they
    ask is what OS you're using. I am using 901 and it is not supported.
    But I think I am digressing ...
    B, Dec 5, 2003
  4. Further to what Pete said, the examples you're giving are of list boxes,
    so I suspect the good old LANG problem.

    Try doing:

    setenv LANG C

    before starting DFII to see if that fixes it. (Or "unsetenv LANG").

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 6, 2003
  5. tritue

    tritue Guest

    I use KDE as WM.

    setenv LANG C solves the problem

    Thank you you all.
    tritue, Dec 8, 2003
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