moulding solid with edge surface

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ewa, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. Ewa

    Ewa Guest

    Hello All

    Is it possible to cut (mould) the block with the edge surface in
    Acad 2006?

    I have the 3D building which sits on the hill and I need to
    adjust it bottom to the surface of the hill. It is very important
    to do the adjustments from some reasons.
    The hill is created with the edge surface and the building block
    is extruded from its floor plan. Now I need to chop the building
    to its Z-coordinates will reflect the hill surface.

    Thanks in advance
    Ewa, Jan 30, 2006
  2. Ewa

    per.corell Guest

    One safe way is to import the drawing into Max , there polymeshes are
    treaded as Solids , you can even "cut holes" or union other entities
    either made as meshes or Solids.
    ---- only "problem" is when you again import the saved 3Ds. drawing
    into AutoCAD, as then the resulting mesh can be difficult to edit.
    per.corell, Jan 31, 2006
  3. Ewa

    Ewa Guest

    Hi Per

    I do not think I can manage MAX in short time, I was more looking into
    Acad solution. But I think I found a way.
    Thanks anyways.

    Ewa, Jan 31, 2006
  4. Ewa

    Kitty Guest

    try combination of slice and subtract
    Kitty, Feb 19, 2006
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