Motor control - Spaceball

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Robert, May 6, 2006.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    I'm running into motor control problems (Parkinson's). Would the Spaceball
    facilitate some functionality? Which one is best?. I need usb. Serial not an
    option on my notebook.

    Robert, May 6, 2006
  2. Robert

    David Janes Guest

    Naturally, you're looking for anecdotal evidence, someone who's been through
    exactly what you're going through and can ease the way for you with some
    experience and advice. Hopefully, someone like that shows up. In the mean time,
    it's amazing how much good info is available by googling "parkinson's spaceball".
    Seems like the problem is strength and they recommend some settings.
    David Janes, May 7, 2006
  3. Robert

    dgeesaman Guest

    A co-worker recently won the latest/greatest spaceball product at a
    regional Pro/USER conference. It works with very little tactile
    effort, and is very adjustable. Much softer feel than the old
    spaceball I used when learning Pro/E v20. Sorry, that's all I know
    about it, but if you have specific questions I'm sure he'd be happy to
    contribute answers.

    dgeesaman, May 8, 2006
  4. my Pro/E seat is equipped with a Spaceball 3003 and it allows to
    adjust sensitivity for all 6 DOF. Can´t say if this is of help
    to movement-impaired users, but IMO this way of computer control
    with fingertips is superiour to the whole-arm-approach aka mouse.

    Another great input device I´d like to suggest is the optical
    (unfortunately out-of-production) Logitech Trackman Marble FX.

    Once you get accustomed to it - that happens fast - you won´t
    want to miss it. No pain in under arm from RSI syndrome any more.

    There are always a lot of these at ebay, newer models are USB
    and only have a little USB-to-PS/2 adaptor.

    Walther Mathieu, May 8, 2006
  5. Robert

    emills Guest

    I have one of the new spacepilot controllers. Very easy to move and
    adjust the software to fit your needs. It is also USB driven and has a
    smaller hand controller than the Spaceball. The downside to the
    controller is the cost and application refresh. The spacepilot has
    programable menus for the different modes, assy or part mode. You have
    to wait a few seconds when switching between windows before you can
    input anything. Overall I really love it.

    Eric Mills
    emills, May 11, 2006
  6. Hallo Eric,
    I think also that this is a nice tool.
    If you get the newest driver from them the switching while be faster.

    Ingo Hochmuth
    Ingo Hochmuth, May 11, 2006
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