More fun with equations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ed_1001, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    Now this is wierd. Enter the following equations in the Equation

    "A"= 1
    "B"= 0.125
    "D"=IIF("A" > 0, "C"-2*"B","C")

    The first four work just fine. But that final simple equation
    doesn't. If SW has a valid value for "D", then why won't it calculate
    "E"? Disclaimer: The equations were simplified for clarity.

    (That noise you hear is me pulling my hair out).
    ed_1001, Feb 14, 2007
  2. Can't explain it - does the same thing here, but why not just use "D"
    wherever you were going to use "E"?

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 14, 2007
  3. ed_1001

    That70sTick Guest

    Perhaps try something like:

    "E" = Val("D")


    "E" = Cdbl("D")
    That70sTick, Feb 14, 2007
  4. ed_1001

    That70sTick Guest

    Or maybe...

    "E" = 1.0 * "D"
    That70sTick, Feb 14, 2007
  5. ed_1001

    TOP Guest

    Or maybe "E" = ("D")
    TOP, Feb 14, 2007
  6. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    "E" = "D" was a simplification. The real equation was
    "Offset1_Sketch2"= (2 * tan(5) * ("OverallHeight"-"StackOverlap")) +

    "E" = Val("D") - Evaluates to 0 (an incorrect value)

    "E" = Cdbl("D") - Doesn't work

    "E" = 1.0*"D" - Doesn't work

    Changing "D"=IIF("A" > 0, "C"-2*"B","C") to "D"=IIF("A" > 0,( "C"-
    (2*"B")),"C") works with all of the above! Still doesn't answer why
    SW calculates a correct value for "D", but can't use it.
    ed_1001, Feb 14, 2007
  7. ed_1001

    Brian Guest

    Here's a good one.


    The "100" can be any number > 92 and the /500 is actually irrelevant.
    95*360 fails all on its own.

    Got a really lame explanation from VAR on this one. Some BS about SW
    trying to save memory useage.
    Brian, Feb 14, 2007
  8. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    Interesting. It seems that any multiplication (maybe other functions
    too) that results in a value >= 32768 fails. That number is 2^15.
    Seems to close to some sort of 16 bit limit to be a coincidence.
    ed_1001, Feb 14, 2007
  9. ed_1001

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Interesting. It seems that any multiplication (maybe other functions
    The equations are actually evaluated by VB after a little internal
    massaging by SW. That's why you can use some VB functions in equations.
    'Way back in 99 or 2000 or thereabouts you could see some of it action
    during certain macro editing problems.

    It may be that your examples are being evaluated as integers, since there
    are no decimals specified. I just tried it in 06 and got this:

    "a"=100*360/500 fails
    "a"=100.0*360/500 returns 72

    Hmm. I'll have to remember that. It could be dangerous. I wouldn't call it
    a bug though, because there are situations where I might want to do integer
    math in an equation (# of pattern instances, etc.).
    Dale Dunn, Feb 14, 2007
  10. ed_1001

    Brian Guest

    Don't think its an integer thing, else 1/3 would not evaluate to
    0.333333 . I was aware of adding .0 to have it evaluate properly. However
    if your equation were instead : x = a*b and your driven values for a and b
    meet the criteria , it still fails. Which is how I discovered it in the
    first place. IE 99.0000+1.0000 evaluates to a value of 100 , not 100.0000.
    Dropping the trailing zeroes, and passing the integer value along for
    further processing.
    Brian, Feb 15, 2007
  11. ed_1001

    TOP Guest

    This issue has to do with something called casting.

    100*360/500 results in a value that is an integer. Therefore VB will
    cast the problem in short integers witha 32k cap. Since 100 * 360
    exceeds that cap and is evaluated before the division the calculation
    dies. I suspect that if the operation is grouped like this:

    100*(360/5)/100 it would succeed since none of the intermediate values
    would exceed 32k and it would still be cast as an integer operation.

    1/3 works because VB is forced to cast it as a floating point problem.
    100*360/500 doesn't work because VB is casting it as short integers.
    This is where the comment from the VAR about SW saving memory comes in
    since a short integer uses less memory than a long integer and this is
    a good thing to know about. The whole thing strikes me as funny since
    just about every API example SW provides casts integers as long

    The next test would be to see whether SW is using single or double
    precision in it's floating point operations.
    TOP, Feb 15, 2007
  12. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    Based on what has been said here, and the slowness of equations in
    general, I think that it's fair to say that SW equations are totally
    fubar. Sad that such a valuable and important feature can't be relied
    on. Once again, they need to fix what is already in SW and stop
    adding more at least for a little while.
    ed_1001, Feb 15, 2007
  13. ed_1001

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Ok, so I was in the ballpark, anyway... Would it be safe to say that adding
    a decimal point as a sort of informal type declaration should ensure
    correct evaluation?

    Still, I would say that stricly speaking, it's not a bug. It IS a hole that
    we can fall into, and I hope they close it if they ever get around to
    overhauling equations (which I've been wanting since I started using SW). I
    would also say that it was a bad call on the part of the developer who
    decided to make it this way. Saving 16 bits of memory per integer seems
    like nothing compared to any other calculations SW does, even on the memory
    constrained systems SW was first developed for.
    Dale Dunn, Feb 15, 2007
  14. This may not be a coding bug but it is most certainly a design bug.
    It is reasonable to expect the equation 100*360/500 to evaluate
    correctly. It is a design flaw of the worst kind for it not to. In a
    programming environment it is reasonable to expect the user to pay
    attention to type and to know where and when to be explicit. In a cad/
    modeling environment where the type decision is more often than not
    out of the users control it is an unforgivable design flaw for this to
    not work as a reasonable user would expect. As has been mentioned
    earlier in this thread; this is not the place to save bytes or cpu
    cycles. We use computers for modeling and design because they are
    quicker and more editable than paper and pencil and most importantly
    because they are more accurate. This kind of program behavior once
    discovered will cause the user to be wary of its accuacy and foster a
    need to validate every little thing the program does. This wastes
    alot of time and brings into question whether or not any model is
    truly accurate.
    Kevin Bouwman, Feb 25, 2007
  15. ed_1001

    TOP Guest


    It would certainly seem that SolidWorks is on the wrong side of the
    saving bytes fence. With 2007 taking up as many gigabytes as it does
    and VISTA requiring about ten times the disk space that XP required
    maybe a little machine language on the part of the programmers would
    be in order, but for the ordinary user you are absolutely right that
    saving bytes by casting the values in a equation to short is bound to
    lead to errors, especially when this is not explicitly pointed out in
    the help.

    I certainly don' t think user's have to worry about accuracy per se*,
    but rather programming mistakes. This just goes to emphasize that you
    shouldn' t assume anything with any program until you verify it. This
    is stated in the SolidWorks EULA in one way or another.


    TOP, Feb 25, 2007
  16. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    I love those EULAs. I wonder how long any of the companies that we
    work for would last if we told our customers the widgets we design
    "may work for what we designed them for, but you better test it
    because we won't stand behind the design even if the problem is a
    horrendous mistake on our part". Not long, I'd wager.
    ed_1001, Feb 26, 2007
  17. ed_1001

    Bo Guest

    Sounds like this is one of those executive decisions in programming
    that just needs to get fixed NOW.

    Bo, Feb 26, 2007
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