More API questions-- hey Corey!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mike, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Corey, thanks a bunch for the help yesterday- I got it working.

    Two more questions:

    1) is there a way to select the last item created? I am using
    Part.Extension.SelectByID("XY (Front)", "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0,
    for example, but after I create features I have trouble referencing
    them. Do I have to do Set line = ... and use line to reference, or is
    there a "select the last feature" command?

    2) Why do I get a "object variable or with block variable not set"
    error with
    this (when I debug, it highlights the Construction Geometry line; the
    line doesn't draw on the screw btw):
    Part.ClearSelection2 True
    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID("XY (Front)", "PLANE", 0, 0, 0,
    False, 0, Nothing)
    Part.InsertSketch2 (True)
    Dim line2
    Set line2 = Part.CreateLine2(1, 1, z, 2, 2, z)
    If IsNull(line2) Then
    MsgBox ("line2 is null")
    End If
    line2.ConstructionGeometry = (True)
    Part.InsertSketch2 False

    Thanks again for any help!

    Mike, Jul 1, 2004
  2. use as much as possible functions that return the object they created, such
    Set line = Part.CreateLine2(1, 1, z, 2, 2, z)
    it's much faster than through the selection mechanism, which you should use
    only when using old APIs which do not return an object. Define a function
    such as

    Function LastSelection() as Object
    Dim n as integer:n=swapp.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObjectCount
    if n=0 then exit function
    Set LastSelection=swapp.SelectionManager(GetSelectedObject(n))
    End Function
    probably because your line wasn't created and the IsNull test is wrong:
    IsNull tests if a Variant doesn't contain anything
    you should use the "Is Nothing" test to check if it contains an invalid
    object :

    If line2 Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("line2 is null")

    Select View/Local Variables Window in VBA to check the value of variables
    while debugging.
    Just a remark : for many reasons, you'd better define variables explicitely
    when you know their type.
    Avoid Variants as much as possible.

    Option Explicit
    Dim line2 As SldWorks.SketchLine
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jul 1, 2004
  3. Listen to Philippe.

    When creating my own apps I try to never select by ID because,

    Say you start a model and open a sketch. then decide not to use it.
    Now you run your macro.
    Your macro creates a sketch.
    You would have assumed in your macro that the sketch is named Sketch1
    but now it is Sketch2. then your macro shuts down and yells at you because
    there was nothing selected.
    When you do the same scenerio and select using the actual object that was
    passed when your sketch was created every thing is all happy again.

    Corey Scheich, Jul 1, 2004
  4. Mike

    TinMan Guest

    Could you give an example of this? I have been unsuccessful at
    selecting using anything other than SelectByID. If possible I'd like
    to see how you select a component in an assembly, but whatever example
    you have readily available would be greatly appreciated.

    TinMan, Jul 6, 2004
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