Moral/legal question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kim2000, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. Kim2000

    Kim2000 Guest

    I use ACAD 2004 at work.

    I would like to now purchase a copy for home for off-hours consultancy
    work. My system is a W98 system that works fine and for reasons not
    relevant enough to go into here, I do not want to upgrade it to WinXP
    at present.

    Can I purchase a copy of ACAD 2004 and install instead a pirated copy
    of Acad 2002? I have tried obtaining a copy of 2002 but all the
    AutoDesk distributors in my country say it is not available. My copy
    of 2004 would then just sit on the shelf and would not be used on ANY
    computer. What is the legal or moral position of what I am proposing?

    All viewpoints welcomed.
    Kim2000, Nov 29, 2003
  2. Kim2000

    Chip Harper Guest

    From a legalistic point of view
    But from a realistic view..... go for it. You'll have a legally licensed
    copy on hand that you own, so your covered in my book.
    Chip Harper, Nov 29, 2003
  3. Kim2000

    Longshot Guest

    I am sure that upgrading your OS is going to be way cheaper than buying a
    copy of Autocad...
    do you listen to what you say?
    Longshot, Nov 29, 2003
  4. Kim2000

    Ian A. White Guest

    Let's see. It has just cost me $AUS 3,300 to upgrade my operating
    system by the time all the other hardware that needed upgrading was paid
    for, and then it has taken me just short of a week getting all the
    software transferred/reinstalled and configured. All up I am looking at
    around $AUS 5,000.
    Ian A. White, Nov 29, 2003
  5. Kim2000

    CW Guest

    I'm glad I don't pay Australian prices. Here (US), for that kind of money, I
    could through out the old system, buy a new system and a new copy of Autocad
    CW, Nov 29, 2003
  6. Kim2000

    CW Guest

    We had 21 computers running Win 98 and Autocad 2002. Crashes were common.
    Minimum of four per day usually more. I kept mine going by rebooting three
    times a day. Upgraded one PC to Win 2000. Solid as a rock. Upgraded the rest
    to XP. Not as good as 2000 but much better than 98. Some have said that they
    got it to run fine on 98 but many people have had the same experience as we
    CW, Nov 29, 2003
  7. Kim2000

    Ian A. White Guest

    Well, if I had to do that as well, that would be another $AUS 6,000!

    That is with the $AUS 1 = $US 0.72.
    Ian A. White, Nov 30, 2003
  8. Kim2000

    Olaf Peuss Guest

    CW wrote:

    Isn't it possible to install the same version on two computers unless you
    make 100% certain that only one of them is being used at the same time? If I
    understood the AutoCad Licencing Model correctly - and the meaning of the
    Licence Transfer Application that comes with ACAD 2002 - it shouldn't be a
    problem: You export the licence from your PC at work to a disk, import it to
    your machine at home and so on. That's how you could use one licence on two
    or more machines as long as you make absolutely sure that only one licence
    is being used at the same time.

    If that isn't possible, you'd be illegal with only one licence

    100 % ACK. ACAD on Win98 sucks - personal experience: Win98 sucks altogether
    regardless which applications one uses on it. Use NT or 2000 instead and
    you'll be working as happily as a pig in sh...

    Kind regards,

    Use "reply to" address for e-mail, please.
    Olaf Peuss, Nov 30, 2003
  9. Kim2000

    Cadalot Guest

    Until the latest upgrade we have always been a version or two behind
    with the new version in a cupboard. Because we purchased bit by bit as
    we could afford it (9xADT, 1XLDDT and about 40 LTs) we ended up with a
    vast range of different versions.

    We got our dealer to get Autodesks agreement that we could do this, a
    prime example was we were still operating on Window 95 and could not
    run the latest version until the network and the PC's connected to it
    were upgraded..( you could get away with this with LT 2000 because it
    did not need the autorisation code )

    Now finally we have all copies at a common version (2004) and have
    PC's that will run them.

    There was a German court case where a user with a licence got away
    with using pirate software because of the down time taken to get a
    replacement dongle or code in the old days.

    The judge ruled as long at the user of the pirate copy had a licence
    to cover the event, then he should not be put in the situation where
    he could not work because of the delay in the admin.
    Cadalot, Dec 1, 2003
  10. Kim2000

    C. G. Haley Guest

    Can I purchase a copy of ACAD 2004

    If memory serves me correctly I had 2004 working just fine on a W98 system
    AMD 900 so try it and see before buying an old 2002.
    C. G. Haley, Dec 11, 2003
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