Monte Carlo and highly matched structures

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by snau-ktv, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. snau-ktv

    snau-ktv Guest


    I'm about to rund Monte Carlo simulations on highly matched structures
    (inverters) in th STM 90 nm.
    To take corners as well as matching into account I guess I choose the
    "process and mismatch" option. (not process only, or mismatch only).

    I guess that the simulator does not automatically take into account
    that the structures are highly
    matched due to a very regular layout?
    A netlist from schematics is used.
    Does the tool not take the (future) high matching on layout into
    account? If not - could I tell it to
    do so, in some way?
    snau-ktv, Jan 18, 2007
  2. snau-ktv

    S. Badel Guest

    Correlations can be defined between devices to account for matching.

    statistics {
    correlate dev=[m1 m2] cc=0.8

    I have no clue, however, on how to estimate the correlation factor. You should
    probably extract a reasonable value from your foundry's matching data, if available,
    or from measurements of your own.

    You may find the following application note useful for your purpose :


    S. Badel, Jan 19, 2007
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