Molding around a manifold

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dan.kanfoush, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. dan.kanfoush

    dan.kanfoush Guest


    I am a block and hole type of designer so this is new to me. Picture a
    set of small hypodermic tube manifolds (Y shaped) arranged in a row. I
    have modeled them and spacially arranged them where I want them. I now
    want to put a cube of plastic around them with the legs of the y's
    still sticking out (molded around the tubes) I know I can make a cube
    a mate it to the manifolds but how do I then cut out the plastic from
    inside the tube. Is there a way to subtract one solid from another ?

    I am not asking how to design the mold, I am going to let some small
    run injection company tell me how to do that, I am simply trying to
    model what the end result I would like to get to.

    Any direction would be really appreciated.


    dan.kanfoush, Mar 23, 2006
  2. After you have the manifolds in position in the block run a "cavity"
    routine. If you want the plastic inside the tube removed, plug the open end
    of the tube in the block.

    Mike Eckstein
    Michael Eckstein, Mar 23, 2006
  3. dan.kanfoush

    dan.kanfoush Guest

    Thanks Mike that worked great. Figured it was simple.

    dan.kanfoush, Mar 23, 2006
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