modulo operation in calculator?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by linkin, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. linkin

    linkin Guest


    I'm trying to measure the phase of a squarewave signal (that has
    jitter) over time. The way I am doing this is finding the threshold
    crossing times using the cross() function in the calculator (I'm using
    IC5141). This gives me a list of times that the signal crosses a
    threshold. Call those times T1, T2, ..., TN. What I want to do next
    is to take those T1, T2,... TN values and MOD (modulo operation) them
    with the period of a reference squarewave signal. However, when I use
    the mod() function in the calculator, it complains that the operands
    are not integers. I tried multiplying everything by 1e12 (since I am
    working on the picosecond scale) to turn the operands into integers,
    but the calculator can't seem to handle an expression with 1e12 in it
    (the value becomes 2147483647 when I evaluate it).

    I looked into the documentation for calculator with no luck.

    Does anyone know how I can efficiently make the measurement I want?

    Thanks in advance!
    linkin, Jan 15, 2007
  2. linkin

    linkin Guest

    Actually, don't worry about it. I'm just going to export the waveform
    to MATLAB for post-processing.
    linkin, Jan 15, 2007
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