Modifying my DCL file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cadman_meg, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. cadman_meg

    cadman_meg Guest

    I posted a question a couple of weeks ago about any good visual dcl editors. I'd rather not pay any more money over my current software if I do not have to. I do have visual studio .net and was wondering if it is possible to open my dcl in there and do my editing and then export it out. Now understand, I am not the best programmer in the world so any explanation would be of value. So what is the best way to export this out as well as opening it? Thanks much.
    cadman_meg, Nov 10, 2004
  2. You can edit and preview DCL dialogs in VLIDE.
    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Nov 11, 2004
  3. Eugene Kluzhev, Nov 11, 2004
  4. cadman_meg

    cadman_meg Guest

    But is it possible to do my editing in visual studio .net rather than vlide or object dcl? You can create dialog boxes for other programs and save them out, but I want to import a dcl file, edit it in visual studio .net and then save or export it back to a .dcl file with all my changes. So anyone have any ideas? Thanks much.
    cadman_meg, Nov 12, 2004
  5. cadman_meg

    Mark G. Guest

    Anyone have any ideas on this? Thanks much.

    vlide or object dcl? You can create dialog boxes for other programs and save
    them out, but I want to import a dcl file, edit it in visual studio .net and
    then save or export it back to a .dcl file with all my changes. So anyone
    have any ideas? Thanks much.
    Mark G., Nov 12, 2004
  6. cadman_meg

    Mark G. Guest

    One more time...anyone?

    Mark G., Nov 15, 2004
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