This is a lisp file that changes the Most Significant Digit of an Alphanumeric String or Numeric String. It needs to be modified so, If the 1st character in a string is an alpha character, do not change anything in the string. In addition, if the string is less than 3 characters long, do not change anything in the string. I would appreciate any help thanks. (defun c:1st_num (/ found) (setq new_val (getstring "Enter replacement numeral: ")) (if (setq string_set (ssget '((0 . "text,mtext")))) (progn (setq counter (sslength string_set)) (while (> (setq counter (- counter 1)) -1) (setq cur_string (entget (ssname string_set counter))) (if (and (setq cur_value (cdr (assoc 1 cur_string)))(/= cur_value "")) (progn (setq the_length (strlen cur_value) char_place 1 no_number T ) (while (and (>= the_length char_place) no_number) (if (numberp (distof (setq cur_char (substr cur_value char_place 1)))) (progn (setq cur_value (vl-string-subst new_val cur_char cur_value)) (entmod (subst (cons 1 cur_value)(assoc 1 cur_string) cur_string)) (setq no_number nil) ) (setq char_place (+ char_place 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )