Moderated Group -

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by devlin, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. devlin

    devlin Guest

    I rarely come on usenet anymore to look at comp.cad.solidworks because
    of several clowns that have more or less wrecked this group.

    Why don't we just all move to Ben Eadie's website? Although it
    requires login It's moderated.

    And before anyone goes on the attack I don't get anything by plugging
    Ben's site, I just think it's a good idea. Ben doesn't make any money
    for putting up his site and there are no ads. Just more reasources
    than you get here.

    Anyways, the website is
    devlin, Oct 2, 2007
  2. devlin

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Why don't we just all move to Ben Eadie's website? Although it
    Well, there are several moderated forums that are available. This is the
    only one I know of that works with a news reader, and so it is the only one
    on which it is possible to track what has been read and what has not. The
    forum hosted by SW is supposed to be able to track this, but it doesn't
    Dale Dunn, Oct 2, 2007
  3. devlin

    PotFlower Guest

    Whats rong? You got something against bonqueer? He is giving of his own
    volition to educate those around him for free. You don't have to pay for
    none of the advice he gives you. Why you don't apreciate that? Youw
    would leave here and go somewhere JB couldn't follow?

    If your gonna talkt the talk you gotto walk the walk. Just thing what
    would JB do?

    PotFlower, Oct 2, 2007
  4. devlin

    Joe Guest

    The solidmentor site requires registration to even see what is there.
    I suspect this can affect how many people bother to register. I didn't
    go through the process.

    Another site with an active soildworks discussion is
    You can view without registering.

    I've tried to get onto the official solidworks site, but there is a
    problem with my web browser that won't let it post messages. (probably
    some sort of explorer setting)

    Joe Dunfee
    Joe, Oct 2, 2007
  5. devlin

    alimk Guest

    With all respect. Why would anyone object to registering? I would
    think that it would be part of being a moderated Forum, which a few
    complete morons here have shown that no moderation and more
    importantly a total absence of consequence does not lend itself to
    developing into an information warehouse, which this Forum once was.
    The people that kept the "warehouse" stocked with all this knowledge
    slowly but surely drifted away, saying "I don't need this
    bull****". And quite frankly, I don't blame them.
    Alim Kazeem
    alimk, Oct 2, 2007
  6. devlin

    That70sTick Guest

    I recommend I will be checking out SolidMentor, though.
    That70sTick, Oct 2, 2007
  7. devlin

    Ben Guest

    Thanks Devlin! I have had a boost in membership today! I truly
    appreciate it.

    Ben, Oct 2, 2007
  8. devlin

    jon_banquer Guest

    Let us know when you actually have a boost in posting to your dead

    "This is not a list. This is not a board. This is not some web page
    forum with rules and moderators. This is USENET. The wild west of
    online communication. Where trolls and flames roam rampant. Where you
    keep your asbestos underpants handy if you lack wit (or have an ego
    that greatly exceeds your actual abilities). If you don't like it,
    feel free to run back to the comfortable safety of moderated web
    forums and mailing lists where everyone lives in enforced peace and
    harmony in the land of Nod."
    jon_banquer, Oct 3, 2007
  9. devlin

    PotFlower Guest

    JBs upset because they wont let hime in. It must be lame over there at
    the Mentor site without JBs wisdome and all. No one to tell the truth.
    No one to rant about sales blurbs n shit.

    He has to resort to quoting BD quoting someone else. THATs lame!

    Who gives a shit about what you think usenet is? Nobody, its stupid that
    to you usenet is just a place to hurl insults at everybody who disagrees
    with you. Thats stupid and adolescent,.

    PotFlower, Oct 3, 2007
  10. devlin

    alimk Guest

    You really are an immature moron. Do you realize that you are, far
    and away, the most hated guy in the Cad Community? Hello, doesn't
    this tell you something, maybe? You are the osama bin laden of cad.
    It is only a question of time before someone, maybe a little more
    flaky than you, is going to be rubbed the wrong way some day soon and
    is not going to take kindly to your foul mouth, and beat you to within
    inches of your life, assuming of course that this isn't in someone's
    plan allready?
    Do you also know that your name is the generic for magott? How are
    these, from some of the other forums..."this place won't tolerate an
    a****** like banquer, not even once". "what is that idiot's
    problem!!! (banquer), how can he be so dumb so as not to know that he
    scares the guys that we depend on away?" "someone pulls any kind of
    a banquer at all on this Group, and his IP is life-banned". "the
    as***** doesn't care, he actually thinks it's cool to put a rough and
    tumble spin on a group of guys dedicated to learning something." ,
    "classless as*****, as he is."
    There simply are not enough caves in San Diego for you to hide in.
    Alim Kazeem
    alimk, Oct 3, 2007
  11. devlin

    jon_banquer Guest

    I see you can't handle the truth that SolidMentor's forums are dead.
    No surprise there.

    You can always try this worthless failed site:

    If that ain't good enough suggest you and your fellow lamer's start
    your own forum since you can't handle it here.

    I'll even help you name it:
    jon_banquer, Oct 3, 2007
  12. devlin

    jon_banquer Guest

    Eng-Tips even rips down Matt Lombard's posts.

    Talk about over moderated.
    jon_banquer, Oct 3, 2007
  13. devlin

    PotFlower Guest

    "Lamer"? JB, you can't call anyone a lamer, since the word is defined by
    your actions and life.

    Its to presious for words that you think just because you and your butt
    buddy Lumberyard can't get into a forum that it must be lame. I hope you
    realize that you have single handedly made this into a lame forum. No
    body bothers anymore cuz of you. Power? no, its the stench.

    How about answering a SW question and give this forum some worth? Dole
    out some of that truth that you are keeping to yourself. Give me a good
    situation where it would be a good idea to use a Multiple Context.
    Better yet, how do you tell if something is Multiple Context? That
    one'll keep you scratching yer nutz for a while. How would you identify
    a part that comes from a stoopid engineer that has been made with
    multiple contexts?

    Tell me the truth, jon, if you know.

    PotFlower, Oct 3, 2007
  14. devlin

    PotFlower Guest

    There you go. Alim Kazeem has issued a fatwah, and the true disciples
    will wage a jihad on JBs ass.

    Martyrdom awaits. Prepare to meet your maker, bongqueer/

    PotFlower, Oct 3, 2007
  15. devlin

    Cliff Guest

    they coud just add clueless banquer warnings up-front as part
    of the user agreements ... "DSign here that you were warned
    that he's a clueless delusioal psychotic idiot and may be a danger" ....
    They have caves there?
    Look under the bridges I say.
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
  16. devlin

    Cliff Guest

    Seems like he had no clues.
    Yet again.
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
  17. devlin

    Cliff Guest

    No account for you again, eh?
    LOL ...
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
  18. devlin

    thestew Guest

    I hate to say it but you are right. This is the wild west, bang
    thestew, Oct 15, 2007
  19. devlin

    jon_banquer Guest

    I hate to say it but you are right. This is the wild west, bang
    Great. Now that you understand this who is going to try and answer the
    poster who is asking whether to use Multi-Bodies or not? Some of the
    problems I see with Multi-Bodies are no BOM and lack or real
    constraints. You want to take a stab at this "Stew" ?

    Anyone else?


    The only way to deal with stalkers / non SolidWorks losers like Cliffy
    is to focus on content. Metal retards like Cliffy are actually very
    easy to ignore. I don't even read Cliffy's posts anymore and I don't
    use a filter.
    jon_banquer, Oct 16, 2007
  20. devlin

    jon_banquer Guest

    That would be SolidWorks Weldment Multi-Bodies.
    jon_banquer, Oct 16, 2007
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