ModelView Rotation Macro Needed

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(\), Feb 3, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I would like to experiment with the following... actually keep experimenting
    (I am stuck)...

    Have a macro "rotate" (or move/translate) a model (part or assembly) on the
    screen in the SolidWorks main view window. I have had some luck looking
    this up in the API help, but there are no examples.

    Think of this like the views in eDrawings cycling thru top, side, right,
    iso, etc., (hit the play button) but within SolidWorks.

    Thanks in advance,

    Aron \(\), Feb 3, 2008
  2. Aron \(\)

    Tin Man Guest

    Code pasted in below.

    Macro set for SolidWorks default Hotkey setting:
    Front View = <ctrl> + 1
    Back View = <ctrl> + 2
    Left View = <ctrl> + 3
    Right View = <ctrl> + 4
    Top View = <ctrl> + 5
    Bottom View = <ctrl> + 6
    Iso View = <ctrl> + 7

    If your's is setup different, go to this section and change the
    'Default SW - Key-string for model views


    ********* Code Below *********
    ' Macro does not behave right when running from within VB.
    ' Call/Run macro directly from SolidWorks, otherwise the SendKeys
    function sends the keys to VB.

    'Started From SW API Help Example:
    'Change to Isometric and Zoom to Fit View Mode Example (VB)
    'This example shows how to change the current view mode to isometric
    and Zoom to Fit.
    ' Preconditions: Model document is open.
    ' Postconditions: Current view mode is changed.

    Option Explicit

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    Sub Pause(PauseTime As Double)
    'VBA Example:
    'Timer Function Example
    'This example uses the Timer function to pause the application. The
    example also uses DoEvents to yield to other processes during the

    Dim Start As Double
    Dim Finish As Double
    Dim TotalTime As Double

    Start = Timer ' Set start time.
    Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime
    DoEvents ' Yield to other processes.
    Finish = Timer ' Set end time.
    TotalTime = Finish - Start ' Calculate total time.
    'MsgBox "Paused for " & TotalTime & " seconds"

    End Sub

    Sub TransitionView_CommonOps()
    'Zoom to extents

    Pause 1
    End Sub

    'This Module For Reference Only...I don't like the way the views
    ' They don't "animate" when they move.
    ' They need to be Zoomed to Extents.
    Sub v01_main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    If (swModel Is Nothing) Then
    MsgBox "No SolidWorks document open." & Chr(13) & "Routine
    ending.", vbCritical, "ModelView Rotation"
    End If

    If (swModel.GetType <> swDocDRAWING) Then

    'Set view
    'swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Isometric", 7
    'swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Trimetric", 8
    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Dimetric", 9
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Front", -1
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Top", -1
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Right", -1
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Bottom", -1
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Left", -1
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Back", -1
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    End If

    'Rebuild File
    'swModel.EditRebuild3 'Stoplight or [Ctrl]+B
    ' swModel.ForceRebuild '[Ctrl]+Q

    Set swModel = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub

    Sub main()

    Dim sIsoV As String
    Dim sFrontV As String
    Dim sBackV As String
    Dim sLeftV As String
    Dim sRightV As String
    Dim sTopV As String
    Dim sBottomV As String

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    If (swModel Is Nothing) Then
    MsgBox "No SolidWorks document open." & Chr(13) & "Routine
    ending.", vbCritical, "ModelView Rotation"
    End If

    If (swModel.GetType <> swDocDRAWING) Then

    'Default SW - Key-string for model views
    sFrontV = "^1" '<ctrl> 1
    sBackV = "^2" '<ctrl> 2
    sLeftV = "^3" '<ctrl> 3
    sRightV = "^4" '<ctrl> 4
    sTopV = "^5" '<ctrl> 5
    sBottomV = "^6" '<ctrl> 6
    sIsoV = "^7" '<ctrl> 7

    SendKeys sIsoV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sFrontV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sRightV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sBackV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sLeftV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sFrontV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sTopV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sFrontV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sBottomV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sFrontV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    SendKeys sIsoV
    Call TransitionView_CommonOps

    End If

    MsgBox "Done!", vbOKOnly, "ModelView Rotation"

    'Rebuild File
    'swModel.EditRebuild3 'Stoplight or [Ctrl]+B
    ' swModel.ForceRebuild '[Ctrl]+Q

    Set swModel = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub
    Tin Man, Feb 4, 2008
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