Modelling a Zalman Heat Sink in Solidworks 2005

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by wwswimming, May 11, 2005.

  1. wwswimming

    wwswimming Guest

    i initially modelled this in Solidworks, and it went pretty well. Not
    a perfect replica, but good enough for the task at hand.

    i'm currently trying to "do it in pro-e". it's not going so well (i'm
    new at both s'Works and pro-E.)

    i put some of the images online in a simple web page at

    with screen dumps from solidworks, pro-e, and one-space designer.

    i thought the Solidworks folks might be interested in this comparison
    of the same medium complexity geometry, in 3 different "mainstream"
    solid modelling programs.

    thanks !


    PS a zalman heatsink is one of the best-performing heat sinks among
    the hundreds of different fan/heat sink solutions that are available in
    the PC marketplace. as far as "what it is."
    wwswimming, May 11, 2005
  2. wwswimming

    John Layne Guest

    I'd be interested to follow this, can't access your website though as I
    get the following error.

    "The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data
    transfer" can you host it somewhere else?


    John Layne
    John Layne, May 12, 2005
  3. wwswimming

    wwswimming Guest

    wwswimming, May 12, 2005
  4. wwswimming

    John Layne Guest

    Any chance of getting a copy of the model? It would be of some use in
    understanding the complexity.


    John Layne
    Solid Engineering Ltd
    John Layne, May 12, 2005
  5. wwswimming

    Aussie Guest

    Sorry, I can't help you on the Pro-E front, but there is a MUCH simpler way
    to do it in SolidWorks... (that feature tree is scary!).

    Unless I am missing something, you can do it in 5 features...

    cut extrude
    linear pattern
    another cut extrude
    and a mirror)

    If I can work out how to post the model somewhere tomorrow night I will
    (unless someone offers to stick it somewhere for me??).

    There are a couple of neat tricks you can use that folks around here might
    find interesting...

    Aussie, May 12, 2005
  6. wwswimming

    wwswimming Guest

    OK. just would need your email. i think mine shows up on the Google
    news reader. but from your other post it sounds like you've found a
    more direct/ less circuitous route ?

    wwswimming, May 12, 2005
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