Modeling of Compression Spring exposed to cyclic loading

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by velu22, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. velu22

    velu22 Guest


    Currently I have a problem of designing a compression spring exposed to
    cyclic loading in SolidWorks.

    The said spring is pre-compressed and placed in a housing. Then a
    cyclic force is applied along the vertical axis of the spring. My
    problem is to find in what pattern the spring gets compressed. Do you
    please let me know how I could design this system ? (I have already
    designed the spring with edges cut and placed in the housing. But I
    dont know how to compress the spring into the housing and then later
    give it a cyclic load !)

    I very much appreciate your kind help and direction.

    velu22, Oct 10, 2006
  2. velu22

    Brian Guest

    If all you are doing is testing the spring, there are mathematical
    formulae that can predict failure based upon # of cycles, amount of
    compression, ect. There is also software that automates the process of
    doing the math so you can test lots of design/material changes in the time
    it would take to run it through a std analysis pkg.

    If you are trying to simulate motion, there are some things that can be
    done in the assembly simulation, but I don't see how to cycle stuff other
    than putting the playback in a loop. If you want to get real complex, you
    can drive the dimensions of your spring with equations, and a little VBA to
    force it to cycle.

    Someone's site ( maybe Ed's? ) has an equation driven spring sample.
    Brian, Oct 10, 2006
  3. velu22

    mdenardo Guest

    Ed's site appears to be down. I'd also be interested in seeing this
    example if someone can host it.

    mdenardo, Nov 2, 2006
  4. velu22

    ed1701 Guest

    I'm kind of curious if I am the Ed you are referring to.
    I had posted on a few springs to a personal site about a year and a
    half ago, but I let that site lapse (lacked the time to do anything
    with it. Now that its cold I might actually do something with it).

    The springs were not accurate for engineering testing. I would also
    recommend the formula or to put your spring vendor to work for you in
    developing the apporpriate spring for the job.
    But the files were a useable springboard for animations and for
    interference detection.
    If you want those files, email me at work (the email I use for google
    groups has also lapsed)

    ed1701, Nov 3, 2006
  5. velu22

    TOP Guest


    I am not quite sure how SolidWorks can expose a spring to cyclic
    loading. If by your question you mean how is a spring set up for
    analysis of fatigue and stress evaluation in CosmosWorks I will respond
    by saying that this is not the best way to solve the problem. In the
    words of one of my professors, "It is driving thumbtacks with a sledge
    hammer." Spring manufacturing associations have software that will do
    this type of analysis quickly and much more accurately than CosmosWorks
    can do. Your spring manufacturer will usually have this software and
    will check your design anyway. This is a case where even a textbook
    solution is superior to doing FEA.

    If you are simply asking how to represent the spring in a model in both
    compressed and uncompressed states then I would search the newsgroup
    because this has been discussed many times.

    TOP, Nov 4, 2006

  6. You're probably remembering the various examples of springs on Mike Wilson's

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 6, 2006
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