Model Size Limit?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ed_1001, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    While trying to mirror a solid body, I get the error - "The feature
    does not fit inside the model size limits". Have I run into a maximum
    model size within SW? The file is 107Mb. There are only 22 features
    in the model and 1 solid body. The first feature is an imported part,
    hence the size. Any ideas?
    ed_1001, Aug 9, 2006
  2. ed_1001

    ed_1001 Guest

    The part is just under 2m at it's longest. There could be a large
    radius in the imported geometry somewhere, I guess, but as the part is
    centered about the origin, mirroring it shouldn't put any geometry any
    further from the origin than it originally was.

    BTW, I exported the model as a parasolid, imported it into UG, mirrored
    it, resaved as a parasolid and then reimported it back into SW. A big
    PITA, but I have my mirrored model.
    ed_1001, Aug 9, 2006
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