Model reorientation. (using SW2004)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zagrad Ortjadi, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. Is it possible to reorient a model with respect to the three planes
    after it has been created? For example, I need to rotate the entire
    model along a single axis passing through the origin such that it is
    7.64 Degrees with respect to the horizon. The origin is not the
    physical center of the model, but it is the point through which an axis
    can pass such that the model can be rotated.

    If my verbage confuses you then imagine something simple like a
    rectangular box that one is looking at its face. The top/bottom,
    front/back, and right/left are square with the planes. I wish to
    rotate it in such a way that the top/bottom, and left/right are no
    longer squared with respect to the planes, but the front/back are.
    (i.e. rotate the box 7.64 degrees.)

    Now that the model is finished, I see the necessity (why isn't
    important) of its needing to be done. Is there a simple method to
    do this without having to reconstruct the whole thing all over again
    at a differing orientation?

    Your constructive comments are appreciated.

    Zagrad Ortjadi, Oct 23, 2004
  2. Zagrad Ortjadi

    MM Guest


    You can only do it "IF" the part isn't tied to any of the default planes or
    origins. By default, most parts are. It's possible to break all of these,
    but may be more work than starting over. It's a good idea if you can forsee
    the possibility of needing this type of flexibility. Then you can design the
    part with this built in. This is one of the caveats of parametric modelers,
    it's also one of the strengths. You just need to think ahead.


    MM, Oct 23, 2004
  3. Zagrad Ortjadi

    matt Guest


    There is a function called "Move/Copy" which will do what you are looking
    for. Insert, Features, Move/Copy will allow you to rotate the part about a
    selected axis through a certain angle. First create the axis you want to
    rotate the part around using the Axis wizard, then use the function.

    It will not rotate your sketches or other reference geometry, but the
    finished part will be at an angle to the default planes.

    matt, Oct 23, 2004
  4. Zagrad Ortjadi

    Roy Guest

    Why not put the part into a assembly and then position the part in the
    assembly how you want it and rotate the assembly?
    Roy, Oct 23, 2004
  5. There is a function called "Move/Copy" which will do
    Dear Sir:

    I tried to Email you directly to express my gratitude
    for your assistance. The Email bounced. Therefore I
    wish to say, "Thank You!"

    Your suggestion was exactly what I needed to know.

    Zagrad Ortjadi, Oct 24, 2004
  6. Was the simplest answer maybe not mentioned? If the part is mostly as
    simple as the "box" example, then why not create a new plane at the desired
    angle and then edit the sketch plane and put the base sketch on the new

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 25, 2004
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