Model is there but the image isn't

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by David Hampson, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. Hi all,
    I'm running SW2004 SP3 and come across some weird problems. I had an
    assembly that was created in SW2004 SP0 and then loaded it into SP3. All of
    the assemby is there but when I went to open one of the parts for editing,
    the part opens in a new window but the part isn't displayed at all. If I
    run the mouse over the graphics area, the components of the part, sketches,
    extrudes, cuts etc show in outline as the mouse is over them, but as I move
    away from the component, the highlighting/outline disappears and hence no
    part outline.

    I thought I had managed to stuff up something in my model, but I
    downloaded some models from Paul Salvador's site and upon first loading
    them up, the same thing happened, no image but if I move the mouse over the
    graphics area, I get outlines. Normally, in day to day operation, I get
    what I expect, images, but occasionally I get nothing, just outlines. Does
    anyone have any ideas as to what's going wrong here?

    David Hampson, Apr 16, 2004
  2. He may have used some software to decrease file size, at the expense
    of not having an image when opening.

    Try this... open each file and press CTRL-Q to see if the image comes
    back. Be sure and save if it does.

    Also, I've noticed that the newer NVIDIA drivers have a problem in
    that the images don't show up.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Apr 16, 2004
  3. David Hampson

    Krister L Guest

    Try to rmb the part in the feature manager and take reload.....that usually

    Krister L
    Krister L, Apr 16, 2004
  4. I have run into this also. It seemed to have to do with Incontext or
    something I don't really recall. Any way Ctrl-Q always fixed the problem.

    Corey Scheich, Apr 16, 2004
  5. David,

    Yeah, as Mike said, it's because the file was compressed using
    EcoSqueese and I remove the display list and sometimes the parasolid
    data. Although SW2004 sp3, seems to resolve better than past versions,
    if you see that problem, you'll have to ctrl-q or resolve.
    SW Corp does a few cheat's and someday they will fix their cheat format.

    BTW, on a somewhat related issue, if anyone is seeing problems with
    models disappearing while editing,.. this is something that is
    definitely happening and I can find no way to replicate this.

    (Windows 2000 pro sp4, P4 3.0ghz, FX500 (driver 53.03))

    Paul Salvador, Apr 17, 2004
  6. Paul,
    When I loaded the model everything was suppressed. I have
    unsuppressed aand done the Cntl Q and everything is fine.


    David Hampson, Apr 17, 2004
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