Mobilty Radeon 9600

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mr. brown, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. mr. brown

    mr. brown Guest

    does anyone know of a mod for the Mobility Radeon 9600 that fixes the
    limited number of accelerated windows issue?

    i've got a compaq n800w i currently use for mobile CAD, but i travel more
    and more all the time and am getting really tired of hauling such a large
    and heavy laptop around. i've found a few laptops that use the MR 9600 that
    would work great for me if i could fix the aforementioned issue.
    mr. brown, Dec 17, 2004
  2. mr. brown

    Merry Owen Guest

    We have several laptops - 2 use the Radeon mobility 9000 (64 MB) and 1 the
    Radeon Mobility 9600 (128 MB). The 2 with the 9000 work great even on large
    assemblies (occasional multi-window slowdown) and we dual screen them with
    19" TFT screens - need to set SW to Software openGL; however, the one with
    the 9600 has always been a bit of a dog and the dual screen display is very
    fuzzy. We have tried different drivers and settings and have never had good
    results - it is about to be replaced by the supplier.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Dec 19, 2004
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