MMSIM61 cann't get the spectre results

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by 47029237, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. 47029237

    47029237 Guest

    When I use MMSIM61 work with IC5141, I cann't get the simulation
    results. "ICW" says :No valid output signals available.
    But the result database already existed. This problem always happened
    when the results database bigger than 2GB.
    47029237, Nov 29, 2007
  2. From "Virtuoso Spectre Circuit Simulator Migration Guide"

    Issues with Migrating from MMSIM 6.0 to MMSIM 6.1

    In the MMSIM 6.1 release, the Virtuoso Spectre circuit simulator
    supports unlimited PSF output size.
    However, in the IC 5.1.41 flow, the PSF file size must be limited to
    2G chunks for transient analysis
    transpose mode and 2G for other analyses.

    Set the following environment variable to enable the 2G chunking mode
    for PSF transpose:

    setenv PSF_WRITE_CHUNK_MODE_ON true

    Set the following environment variables to enable the size limit for
    other analyses:

    setenv PSF_LARGE_FILE_ON false

    Use these environment variables only in the IC5.1.41 flow.

    bernd.fischerkrellenberg, Nov 29, 2007
  3. 47029237

    47029237 Guest

    Thank you very very very much. :)
    I'll try it now.
    47029237, Nov 30, 2007
  4. 47029237

    47029237 Guest

    I want you know , It.s very important for me.
    47029237, Nov 30, 2007
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