Mline Lisp does all but setvar clayer at the end

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gosox, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. gosox

    gosox Guest

    Hi Guys!

    Can anybody help me with this lisp?
    I can't get past the line that reads
    "(command "mline" "Scale" ductwidth)".
    I suspect that I need to end the line differently,
    but how?

    Forever in your debt

    ;;;--- Mlines - Draw MultiLines to represent the outside edges
    ;;; of ducts and including a centerline.
    ;;;---10/28/04 by SoxFansl
    ;;;--- Function to Design Multilines
    ;;;--- must have the multiline style "Ducts" defined
    ;;;--- use the acad.mln file in this folder
    (defun C:mlines ()
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq currentlayer (getvar "clayer"))
    (setvar "clayer" "0-duct")
    (setq ductwidth (getreal "\nEnter Duct Width: "))
    ;;;--- get the current value of "CMLJUST" and save it as currentCMLJUST
    (setq currentCMLJUST (getvar"CMLJUST"))
    ;;;--- get the current value of "CMLSTYLE" and save it as currentCMLSTYLE
    (setq currentCMLSTYLE (getvar"CMLSTYLE"))
    ;;;--- get the current value of "CMLSCALE" and save it as currentCMLSTYLE
    (setq currentCMLSCALE (getvar"CMLSCALE"))
    (setvar "CMLJUST" 1)
    (setvar "CMLSTYLE""ducts")
    (command "mline" "Scale" ductwidth)
    (prompt "\nFinished")
    (setvar "clayer" currentlayer)
    gosox, Nov 3, 2004
  2. gosox

    Dommy2Hotty Guest

    Try this...
    ;;;--- Mlines - Draw MultiLines to represent the outside edges
    ;;; of ducts and including a centerline.
    ;;;---10/28/04 by SoxFansl
    ;;;--- Function to Design Multilines
    ;;;--- must have the multiline style "Ducts" defined
    ;;;--- use the acad.mln file in this folder
    (defun C:mlines ()
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq currentlayer (getvar "clayer"))
    (setvar "clayer" "0-duct")
    (setq ductwidth (getreal "\nEnter Duct Width: "))
    ;;;--- get the current value of "CMLJUST" and save it as currentCMLJUST
    (setq currentCMLJUST (getvar"CMLJUST"))
    ;;;--- get the current value of "CMLSTYLE" and save it as currentCMLSTYLE
    (setq currentCMLSTYLE (getvar"CMLSTYLE"))
    ;;;--- get the current value of "CMLSCALE" and save it as currentCMLSTYLE
    (setq currentCMLSCALE (getvar"CMLSCALE"))
    (setvar "CMLJUST" 1)
    (setvar "CMLSTYLE""ducts")
    (command "mline" "Scale" ductwidth)
    (prompt "\nFinished")
    (command "clayer" currentlayer)
    Dommy2Hotty, Nov 3, 2004
  3. gosox

    David Kozina Guest

    perhaps a command function wrapper would be useful?...

    Then, change this line in your code:
    (DoCommand "MLINE" PAUSE 1 '("Scale" ductwidth))

    David Kozina

    ; Run command with options
    ; Ugly command function, but necessary, sometimes - and rather versatile!
    (defun DoCommand
    (Name_str               ; Command Name String - caller to provide "_."
    PauseOrAutoEnter_value ; PAUSE or "" - Let user finish or Autoterminate
    CmdEcho_flag           ; [1/0/nil] - Prompt Echoing / Silent / Run as-is
    Input_lst              ; Preset command option list - may be nil
    SysVar_lst             ; a list of system variables
    ; /
    ; vl:T
    ; (ttSetVars
    ; begin
    ; ...Echo prompts or run silent?
    (if CmdEcho_flag
    ; then set system variables
    (setq SysVar_lst
    (list (cons "CMDECHO" CmdEcho_flag))
    );_end setq
    ; else
    );_end if
    ; start command
    (command Name_str)
    ; ...Option list provided?
    (if Input_lst
    ; then
    ; ...process command options
    (foreach CommandOption Input_lst;
    ; begin loop
    (command CommandOption)
    ; end loop
    );_end foreach
    ; else
    );_end if
    ; did caller use a "." command prefix?
    ; - remove it for cmdnames usage below
    (setq Name_str
    );_end setq
    ; did caller use a "_" command prefix?
    ; - remove it for cmdnames usage below
    (setq Name_str
    );_end setq
    ; command still active?
    ; - it needs to finish
    (getvar "CMDNAMES")
    (strcat "*" Name_str "*")
    ; begin loop
    (command PauseOrAutoEnter_value)
    ; end loop
    );_end while
    ; ...restore CMDECHO?
    (if CmdEcho_flag
    ; then Restore system variables
    (ttSetVars SysVar_lst)
    ; else
    );_end if
    ; end
    );_end defun
    ; (ttSetVars ((<varname> . <newvalue>)...))
    ; Copyright 2000 by Tony Tanzillo
    (defun ttSetVars
    (sysvar_lst ; a list of system variables
    ; begin
    (foreach var sysvar_lst
    (setq result
    (cons (car var) (getvar (car var)))
    );_end setq
    (setvar (car var) (cdr var))
    );_end foreach
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Nov 3, 2004
  4. gosox

    David Kozina Guest

    OOPS! Important!
    Change the line in your code to:
    (DoCommand "MLINE" PAUSE 1 (list "Scale" ductwidth))

    David Kozina, Nov 3, 2004
  5. gosox

    tim-bot Guest

    you should use getdist instead of getreal then the user can pick a distance or enter it numerically i've had much success put this in and it will display your current mline scale at the prompt

    (SETQ MS1 (RTOS X 4 2))
    (prompt "\nMulti-Line width <")
    (SETQ MS2 (GETDIST ">: "))

    if anyone figures an easy way to load the mln file without the dialog box, i would be much appreciative, i don't like loading a block with defined styles already in it, i would just like to load my specific mline that's already defined
    tim-bot, Mar 11, 2005
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