Mixed up licensing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by topman, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. topman

    topman Guest

    Can anyone help? I cannot believe that there is no fix to this problem!
    I currently have two seats of inventor pro and two seats of inventor standard. All licenses are on floating licences.
    I have been told that if you install Autocad and mechanical from the pro seat, then it will take a pro license! If you install Autocad and mechanical from the standard seat, then it will take a standard license! What is the point of that?
    Is it not possible to use autocad/mechanical/inventor on any seat? Currently if I use just Autocad that was installed from the pro disk, then it will use a inventor pro licence!
    topman, Sep 27, 2004
  2. Hi,
    AutoCAD can not use an Inventor license.
    So, for each product (except packages) there is a unique product code which
    can be used only by that specific product.

    Efim Tetelman \(Autodesk, Inc\), Sep 27, 2004
  3. topman

    topman Guest

    I think that our cad seller is giving us wrong information.
    He recommends that we upgrade all inventor seats to Pro! When we launch our Autocad and mechanical desktop it takes an Inventor licence. It is a bit strange also that we don’t have any Autocad licence information in our licence file, it just shows inventor. This has been mensioned! All we need is Autocad to run on all machines, and either inventor pro or standard to run on any seat with a floating licence. We have been told that this cannot be done!
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Would it help if I attached the licence file?
    topman, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Series products combine several applications into a single product. Inventor
    Series and Inventor Series Pro each come with a special build of AutoCAD
    that use their respective series package license. So AutoCAD will pull the
    license type of the series version that produced the install image. Series
    licensing allows you to run any or all of the series software on a single
    concurrent workstation per licensed seat. The workaround is to install Acad
    from the series CD on some systems and from the PRO on others. In any case,
    your licensing will allow only 2 concurrent seats from each series products.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    our Autocad and mechanical desktop it takes an Inventor licence. It is a bit
    strange also that we don't have any Autocad licence information in our
    licence file, it just shows inventor. This has been mensioned! All we need
    is Autocad to run on all machines, and either inventor pro or standard to
    run on any seat with a floating licence. We have been told that this cannot
    be done!
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Sep 28, 2004
  5. topman

    topman Guest

    So, would it be possible to install both Inventor series and inventor series pro on each machine and choose which one to use? if so how do i do this? I need to be able to use pro on each machine but only for a little time. I need to use AutoCAD all of the time on each machine.
    topman, Sep 28, 2004
  6. I think it is possible. If you install INV9PRO
    the install routine creates two desktop icons: "Inventor 9 Pro"
    (launches INV9PRO and conusuming a INV9PRO license from
    the server) and "Inventor 9" (consuming a INV9 Series license).
    I don't know if there's a parameter for the MDT2005 which
    tells what kind of license should be used.

    Andi Auburger, Sep 29, 2004
  7. topman

    topman Guest

    Hello Andi,

    I have two separate shortcuts for pro and series, but its when you load AutoCAD or MD that it will pull a pro seat or Series seat depending on the cd it was installed from. I need to load AutoCAD/md from both versions pro & series.
    topman, Sep 29, 2004
  8. You can not install two instances of the product on the same machine. So,
    you can not have both series versions of 2005 on each machine. To maximize
    utilization you can install one or the other on each workstation balancing
    both against expected usage. Your dealer's advice of moving all seats to a
    single series version is a valid and good answer.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    AutoCAD or MD that it will pull a pro seat or Series seat depending on the
    cd it was installed from. I need to load AutoCAD/md from both versions pro &
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Sep 30, 2004
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