Mixed Signal IC design-flow

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Thomas Ussmueller, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. Hello everybody,

    I am currently designing a fractional-n PLL in Cadence. The problem is
    that up to now I only have experience in analog IC design. But for the
    PLL I need some digital parts. I'd like to generate the layout of these
    automatically by a place and route tool.

    Which tools do I need to synthesize, place and route the digital design
    (VHDL code) and then include it in my analog layout? What would the
    design flow look like?

    Thanks for your help
    Thomas Ussmueller, Jul 17, 2006
  2. Thomas Ussmueller

    leanderdeng Guest

    Hi Thomas,

    It largely depends on your case. Based on my knowledge, for the digital
    part, you can use Encounter RTL compiler to synthesize and first
    Encounter to place&route. You can invoke your analog part in the Place
    and Route tools.

    You also need to consider how to simulate and verify your design. With
    Fast SPICE tools such as UltraSim and NanoSim, you can verify the
    analog netlist plus digital gate level netlist, even with post-layout
    RC. If the case is too large, the mixed signal simulation is need,
    which combines the SPICE tools and digital verification tools.

    In a word, there is no flow for all the mixed-signal designs.

    leanderdeng, Jul 19, 2006
  3. Thomas Ussmueller

    John Gianni Guest

    Talk to your local Cadence sales team who can show you a three-part AMS
    Methodogy "kit" containing a complete 10/100 Ethernet Phy design (with
    multiple PLLs) built completely in the Cadence 90nm generic process
    using the 500-cell Cadence standard cell library and 100% Cadence tools
    & methodologies.

    Basically, there are three methodology sections that walk you through:
    - Top-level AMS simulation strategies and methodologies, including
    - Block authoring methodologies including analog synthesis & IP reuse
    - Virtuoso digital implementation including mixed floorplanning, area
    estimation, place & route, and mixed-signal integration, all within the
    Virtuoso environment

    All three of these well-honed methodologies are fully explained in the
    kit methodology documentation available at http://downloads.cadence.com
    for those with valid licenses for these kits. It's not just talk. Every
    single step is performed, down to the last parastic of the last

    In summary, all that you want already exists; just ask your local sales
    team for assistance.

    Hope this helps ... Good luck,
    John Gianni
    John Gianni, Jul 22, 2006
  4. Thomas Ussmueller

    John Gianni Guest

    All three of these well-honed methodologies are fully explained in the
    I just realized I didn't provide the complete link to the AMS & RF
    methodology kits.

    1. Go to http://downloads.cadence.com

    2. Press on the "Linux" tab.

    3. Select the "AMSKIT51" or "RFKIT52" links.

    If you have the proper licence (obtained from your local Cadence sales
    contact), you can immediately begin using the methodologies, IP, and
    services inherent in those complete methodology kits to design complex
    AMS & RF chips.

    Each download contains a complete design, a complete design kit
    (containing everything in the custom and digital side necessary to
    design the targeted chip), and complete documentation showing the
    methodology from start to finish that is documented and supported and
    tested to work, release after release; and which is improved over time
    with all new releases and methodologies.

    As always, so all benefit,
    John Gianni
    John Gianni, Jul 22, 2006
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