mitre flange

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Julian, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Julian

    Julian Guest

    can anyone suggest a quick method to create mitre flanges like when you
    corner trim to mitre on IV sorry to mention it but I do a lot of 1.5mm door
    panels and they would include base, flange 90deg up then 90deg return and
    would like to have 45deg mitres on the internal returns, hope you guys
    understand what im trying to portray. I have managed to do what I need by
    sketching the 2 90deg lines and the propagating them around the base,and
    using the mitre tool but wonder if there is an easier way.

    TIA Jules
    Julian, Sep 14, 2006
  2. Not sure about SW (I would imagine it is the same) but in IV you have to use
    "Corner" tool and do the corners up before proceeding to the next round of
    flanges. I do this type of work fairly regularly. Write to me directly if
    you need an example.


    Igor Mironenko, Sep 16, 2006
  3. (Resending this)

    Based on the description below, I'm going to guess that you are making your
    parts as sheet metal parts. If so, after your base flange, use miter flange
    instead of edge flange. The advantage is that you can make the shape be
    whatever you want and it will carry your profile all the way around and fix
    the corners as it goes. The disadvantage is that you can't skip a section -
    they all have to be connected.

    Basically, think of it as a special kind of sweep. You start your sketch on
    one end of the material, you give it the edges of the base flange as a path
    curve, and it sweeps that profile around. Your sketch should include all of
    the profile that you want. Check out the Help for more info on miter

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 18, 2006
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