Missing Text Changes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by antonr01, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. antonr01

    antonr01 Guest

    We are using Autocad 2004 in conjunction with Projectwise. I opened a
    dwg to check some text which I couldn't read clearly on my hard copy.
    The text was not there. Go to the guy who edited the dwg. The text is
    there. Open the dwg on someone else's machine. The text is missing. He
    sends me the file via email. I download it, open it, and the text is

    Anyone ever seen anything like this. Is there some problem with font
    files perhaps???
    antonr01, Jul 10, 2006
  2. antonr01

    antonr01 Guest

    I found the problem. There were missing fonts on each of the machines,
    but Autocad did not identify that the fonts were missing upon opening
    the file. Not sure why it did that.
    antonr01, Jul 11, 2006
  3. antonr01

    JG Guest

    check for missing xref
    JG, Jul 11, 2006
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