Missing printer paper sizes?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kevink, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. kevink

    kevink Guest

    This is the code used to return the available paper sizes from an HP 1055cm plotter.

    Private Sub cmbPlotDevice_Click()

    Dim x As Integer
    PltDevice = cmbPlotDevice.Text
    ' acadApp.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace.Layout.ConfigName = PltDevice
    acadApp.ActiveDocument.ActiveLayout.ConfigName = PltDevice
    'plotMedia = acadApp.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace.Layout.GetCanonicalMediaNames()
    plotMedia = ActiveDocument.ActiveLayout.GetCanonicalMediaNames()
    For x = LBound(plotMedia) To UBound(plotMedia)
    cmbPaperSize.AddItem plotMedia(x)
    isDevice = True

    End Sub

    It is returning only user sizes. This code works with HP laser printers and with Xerox color printers.

    Any Ideas what is wrong.
    kevink, Jan 21, 2004
  2. kevink

    Joe Sutphin Guest


    Give this a try and see if it helps get you what you want.

    Public Sub GetPaperSizesAndNames()
    Dim Layout As AcadLayout
    Dim Width As Double
    Dim Height As Double
    Dim Margins As Variant
    Dim MediaNames As Variant
    Dim PlotDeviceNames As Variant

    With ThisDrawing
    .ActiveSpace = acPaperSpace
    Set Layout = .ActiveLayout
    End With

    With Layout
    MediaNames = .GetCanonicalMediaNames
    Dim Index As Integer
    For Index = 0 To UBound(MediaNames) - 1
    .CanonicalMediaName = MediaNames(Index)
    'get the current paper size
    .GetPaperSize Width, Height
    'format it to english units - AutoCAD returns the number in metric
    Width = Format(Width, "0000.0") / 25.4: Height = Format(Height,
    "0000.0") / 25.4
    Debug.Print .CanonicalMediaName & vbTab & "Width: " & Width & vbTab &
    "Height: " & Height
    'Debug.Print MediaNames(index)
    Next Index

    'display plot device names
    PlotDeviceNames = .GetPlotDeviceNames

    For Index = 0 To UBound(PlotDeviceNames) - 1
    Debug.Print "PlotDevice: " & PlotDeviceNames(Index)
    Next Index
    End With

    With ThisDrawing
    .ActiveSpace = acModelSpace
    Set Layout = .ActiveLayout
    End With
    End Sub
    Joe Sutphin, Jan 22, 2004
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