missing drawing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by AScott, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. AScott

    AScott Guest

    I have a drawing which is comprised of 1st & 2nd floor plans and elevations. When plotted to an HP 450c the elevations and the 1st floor plan plot but not the 2nd floor plan. When the drawing is sent to an 11x17 printer as scale to fit all elements are printed. I have checked the no print layers, ensured that the 2nd floor isn't on defpoints and it's not an xref. Any ideas as to the possible problem?
    AScott, Jun 22, 2004
  2. AScott

    Matt Kolberg Guest

    Do you have "Center the plot" toggle checked on the layout in question? I
    have a problem when many of my files have this checked.

    Matt Kolberg

    elevations. When plotted to an HP 450c the elevations and the 1st floor plan
    plot but not the 2nd floor plan. When the drawing is sent to an 11x17
    printer as scale to fit all elements are printed. I have checked the no
    print layers, ensured that the 2nd floor isn't on defpoints and it's not an
    xref. Any ideas as to the possible problem?
    Matt Kolberg, Jun 24, 2004
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