Missing Design Tables?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Todd, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. Todd

    Todd Guest


    Has anyone out there had design tables disappear in 2004 sp 1.0?

    A Little Background.....

    Our company uses design tables for entering configuration-specific
    metadata (custom props) because it's easier to do this in Excel than
    using the Properties interface. This isn't the same type of
    information you would usually enter here -- it's things like Part#,
    Desc, Designed By, Mfr, Date, things like that. Very tedious, but
    still easier. I believe the decision to use design tables in this
    manner all came about as a result of using SmarTeam for PDM, but that
    occurred before my time. As a result, ALL of our parts and assys have
    Design Tables -- even if there's only one configuration.

    We're using SmarTeam V5R10.

    So here's the deal:

    A few weeks ago we installed 2004 sp1. As life continued and 2003
    files were opened and converted to version 2004, a very random
    smattering of Design Tables go missing from some of the files. As of
    yet, we haven't been able to reproduce it, though it has happened to
    people every day.

    Solution thus far has been to recreate the Design Table, which
    although possible, is even more tedious than creating it the first

    Has ANYONE experienced this? Do you use SmarTeam? Can you reproduce

    Any help would be appreciated. We can't really report the problem
    effectively when we can't reproduce it!!


    Todd, Jan 28, 2004
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