Misplaced Shadow in Graphic Area

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by idprieto, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. idprieto

    idprieto Guest

    I'm relatively new to SW so please bear with my simpleton question.

    The shadow in my graphic area is not underneth my model and parrell to
    the top plane. It is displayed behind the model and parrell to the
    front plane.

    How can I reset this?

    idprieto, Jul 10, 2006
  2. idprieto

    idprieto Guest

    parrell should be parallel
    underneth should be underneath

    just for clarification...
    idprieto, Jul 10, 2006
  3. idprieto

    JKimmel Guest

    Change view to isometric. Turn off shadow, then turn it back on. Also,
    turn on your spell checker.

    J Kimmel


    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Jul 10, 2006
  4. idprieto

    idprieto Guest

    Just like the on-line user's guide saids to do it.... Hate when that
    happens. Thanks JKimmel
    idprieto, Jul 10, 2006
  5. idprieto

    Arlan.Murphy Guest

    I am very disturbed by this comment. I have perfect grammar,
    punctuation, and spelling. I can't stand when people can't spell.
    Yet, I don't feel the need to 'swell up' behind a keyboard and tell
    others to turn on a spell checker. I, personally, can't stand when
    people use a spell checker. We get things like: 'collage', in place
    of college (thanks, Brad!) 'there', 'their', and the contraction of
    'they are' . How many of the 'spell check' junkies use LOOSE instead
    of LOSE?

    Of course, there will be someone with greater capacity for the english
    language and will go through what I typed and find errors. Oh well. I
    have consumed quite a bit of alcohol and I really don't care at this

    p.s. one more lager and I might learn to like ya
    Arlan.Murphy, Jul 11, 2006
  6. idprieto

    John H Guest

    How exactly does poor spelling affect your legs?
    Sounds like you're swelling up to me.


    John H
    John H, Jul 12, 2006
  7. idprieto

    Arlan.Murphy Guest

    I definitely was for sure! A little too much to drink...

    Arlan.Murphy, Jul 12, 2006
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