mirroring suppressed components

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steven, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. Steven

    Steven Guest

    I'm about to submit this as an enhancement request unless someone can
    suggest a simple solution.

    "I have a part that was created in context in an assembly. The part is
    driven by a design table that controls the assembly. I have created a mirror
    of this part using "mirror component". My assembly has configurations that
    use either the original part or the mirrored part but not both at the same
    time. The current problem is that if I suppress the original part the
    mirrored part does not get updated. Hiding the original part is not an
    option since the part would still affect the geometric properties of the
    assembly (mass, moments of inertia, etc).

    It would be useful if there was a state between suppressed and hidden to
    cater for this situation."
    Steven, Jan 8, 2004
  2. If you create a mirrored part at the part level you shouldn't have this
    problem since the in context relation has nothing to do with the state of
    the assembly.
    Corey Scheich, Jan 8, 2004
  3. Steven

    Steven Guest

    Thanks for the suggestion but the mirrored part still won't update if the
    original part is suppressed - unless I'm doing something wrong.
    Steven, Jan 9, 2004
  4. Try keeping the referenced part opened in another window. This way SW
    doesn't drop the file when it is suppressed. Otherwise I don't know what to
    tell you.

    Corey Scheich, Jan 9, 2004
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