Mirroring Attributed Blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael Viscetto, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. I am running ADT 2004 on W2K XP Pro.
    This is something that is occuring more and more often.

    I have multiple attributed blocks in a house plan.
    The client needs to mirror it. :)

    When I mirror the plan I need to go back and re-mirror all of my attributed blocks that are now backwards.

    Does anyone have solution?

    Maybe a LISP routine that will mirror an object (a block in this case).

    for example:

    Start the routine,

    It asks to select an object,

    then asks to select a point to mirror about (the middle of the block)

    and it mirrors it over the "Y" plane.

    Then lets you select objects one right after the other mirroring happiliy until you hit escape.

    Any such animal?


    Michael Viscetto, Feb 17, 2005
  2. Set the variable MIRRTEXT to 0 befor doing the mirror.

    Jesse_Pickrum, Feb 17, 2005
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