Mirrored parts

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Janes, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Janes

    Janes Guest

    I'm trying to create a part in assembly by mirroring it. It ought to be pretty simple, really, but I keep getting this error message:
    The selected entity is external. It cannot be backed up.

    And the process will go no further. I find nothing in PTC's KB. Anyone know what's going on? The model could be hosed, but I find no external dependencies/refs, nothing that would help me cancel the "external" business.

    David Janes
    Janes, Mar 18, 2009
  2. Janes

    miggy Guest

    David, you might want to open the part and try to mirror it using the
    'file' 'mirror' comand just to see if it can be mirrored. If not
    sometimes I've had some luck using the
    'info' 'reference' 'viewer' to cut dependencies.
    Good Luck
    Gary Miglionico
    miggy, Mar 18, 2009
  3. Janes

    Janes Guest

    Does it have to be mirrored in assembly? My preference is to do it in
    the part and use family table.

    Sounds like the master model approach with every feature mirrored then a cut to separate the two "parts", one direction of the cut is the left, the other direction the right, the cut direction captured in the table. No, I've not tried this. Are the mirrored features parametric and subject to modification?

    David Janes
    Janes, Mar 18, 2009
  4. Janes

    Janes Guest

    David, you might want to open the part and try to mirror it using the
    'file' 'mirror' comand just to see if it can be mirrored. If not
    sometimes I've had some luck using the
    'info' 'reference' 'viewer' to cut dependencies.
    Good Luck
    Gary Miglionico

    I haven't tried 'File>Mirror Part'. I'm starting on WF4 and PDMLink 9.1 Monday. I think I might wait till then to try it. It worked at home effortlessly. Is there a way to control what direction or csys axis it mirrors about?

    David Janes
    Janes, Mar 18, 2009
  5. Janes

    miggy Guest

    No, can't select any datum reference or geometry to mirror about. Only
    options are dependency options. I guess it uses the default co-ord
    The only way to change the orientation if it did'nt mirror the way you
    want is to change the orientation at the parent part which is totally
    useless since its constrained and buried in your assy, has drawing
    Your just gonna have to wing it and keep your fingers crossed!
    maybe WF5. OH THE PAIN.

    Gary Miglionico
    miggy, Mar 18, 2009
  6. Janes

    kenny Guest

    This is only good for an exact mirror but it helps in our applications,
    in an assembly with many identical parts mirrored about a single plane
    it allows the file to be built with fewer parts, the drawing will use
    the original instance and the opposite hand called for by a single note
    on the drawing.
    kenny, Mar 18, 2009
  7. Janes

    Janes Guest

    I'm trying to create a part in assembly by mirroring it. It ought to be pretty simple, really, but I keep getting this error message:
    The selected entity is external. It cannot be backed up.

    And the process will go no further. I find nothing in PTC's KB. Anyone know what's going on? The model could be hosed, but I find no external dependencies/refs, nothing that would help me cancel the "external" business.

    David Janes

    This was the culprit in the mirror failure: default_ext_ref_scope set to skeletons. Some wiseguy at work thought it would be a good idea to change it from ALL. He was trying to cut down on "bad" external references. He gave up on his bright idea after some convincing argumentation and a lot of yelling and name calling. I think he sensed that I was upset. But it was probably the high priced thermal analyst who wasted a several hours on the above "error" message when trying to do a cut out in assembly today that tipped the scales. BTW, the place where you can change the reference scope is now buried under 'Tools>Assembly Settings>Reference Control'. This was not covered in the update training.

    David Janes
    Janes, Apr 8, 2009
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