Mirrored parts - no dimensions?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Mears, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. Brian Mears

    Brian Mears Guest

    It appears that when I place a drawing view of a mirrored part (the mirror,
    not the original), there are no model dimensions available (and holes are
    'dumb'). Is this what you all see? Is there perhaps a setting that tells
    SW to bring dimensions over into mirrored parts? Fingers crossed...

    Brian Mears, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Brian Mears

    matt Guest

    no, sorry, no dimensions. You can get surface, cosmetic threads,
    planes, axes, but no sketches, and no dimensions. not yet.

    matt, Dec 17, 2004
  3. Brian Mears

    P. Guest

    Fill out an enhancement request. This has been requested in some way
    shape or form for years.
    P., Dec 17, 2004
  4. If you are using SW 2005, you might want to try the new "automatic
    dimension" tool in your drawing. While they are not driving dims, they
    should suffice from a documentation standpoint.

    John Picinich, Dec 17, 2004
  5. Brian Mears

    miket Guest

    What information are we missing here? Or, better, what are you trying
    to do? It is assumed that if you are "mirroring" you already have a
    fully defined sketch, correct? When you mirror, all dimensions are
    "mirrored" as well, even though they do not show. If you change one of
    the master dimensions, the mirrored side updates as well. Now, if you
    want to change the mirrored side INDEPENDANTLY of the original sketch,
    you will have to break the existing relations. At this point, the
    broken relations lines will turn blue. You can then dimension these as
    you like. Of course, your part is no longer symmetrical at this point.
    miket, Dec 22, 2004
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