Mirrored parts drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Oneball, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Oneball

    Oneball Guest

    My company uses mirrored sheet metal parts extensively, LH and RH
    parts. For drawings I would like to use only one print for such
    parts. With a note stating that parts are mirrored but use the same
    blank. Is this acceptable. Procurement has not seen things done this
    way and is asking for me to supply a drawing for each part. I thought
    this would be bad practice. Let me know what you think.

    Oneball, Oct 17, 2008
  2. Oneball

    KMaren Guest

    We do the same and I would say that this is not acceptable. With
    SW2008 and SW2009 you can add bends to the Formed Mirrored Part to get
    bend lines for the mirrored part. This makes it much better for
    giving dimensioned flats as well as telling paper side and grain
    direction if applicable.
    KMaren, Oct 17, 2008
  3. Oneball

    kenneth Guest

    fyi, adding bends to a mirrored part is not limited to '08-'09.

    you can add bends to any thin-extrude in any version of sw as long as the
    part is of uniform thickness.
    kenneth, Oct 17, 2008
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