Mirror Table Top Surface in Photoworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Erika Layne, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Erika Layne

    Erika Layne Guest

    Will someone point me to some settings for me to arrive at a reflective
    mirror like table top to place a chrome football on top of, in order
    that the table top will reflect the football. I am just starting with
    rendering in Photoworks and I don't even know the proper names of what
    I am looking for in order to look them up in the help files. If
    someone could help me on this, I would appreciate it. I am not the
    only person in my class who is finding this rendering program quite
    exasperating. I am using Solidworks 2006. I read somewhere here where
    version 2007 of Photoworks is easier to manage, I hope this is true.
    Thanking you in advance,
    Erika Layne, Oct 3, 2006
  2. Erika Layne

    parel Guest

    The stock chrome is great. I might suggest that you use a Satin Steel
    for a subtler effect with blurry reflections.
    parel, Oct 3, 2006
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