mirror large assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by onceupon, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. onceupon

    onceupon Guest

    Has anyone been successfull in Mirroring/deriving a large assembly.

    Without the need to mirror all the part and then reassemble them.

    onceupon, Aug 13, 2004
  2. onceupon

    bill a Guest

    I've never had much luck mirroring subs. If you select the apply mates
    components are likely to fly all over the place. You will need to either
    fix or
    remate the mirrored components. Keep in mind that if you make changes to
    the mates, etc on original subassemblies, the changes will not carry over to
    the mirrored subs. In certain situations, if components are not left/right
    a symmetry mate may be better for you.
    Definitely back up your main assembly file before experimenting.
    If things blow up, the undo command .. doesn't :>)
    The implementation of mirroring in swx is only about 20%, and there
    has been very little progress in the last couple of releases.

    wish i had better news
    bill a, Aug 13, 2004
  3. I had mirrored a few components not anything large 5 at most, recently. And
    reattach mates was able to mate the mirrored components atleast between
    themselves pretty well, all the parts were mirrored as instances of the

    Corey Scheich, Aug 13, 2004
  4. onceupon

    pete Guest

    If mirroring assemblies, be sure to use mates that can be symmetrical, do
    not mate to planes or edges. I have mirrored sub-assemblies, 30 parts deep,
    by using the correct mates. This was using mainly sketch mates. If sharing,
    be sure to name the mate sketches, someone may think that the extra sketches
    are not needed and delete them! :(
    pete, Aug 14, 2004
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