Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jojo, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. jojo

    jojo Guest

    Is there any way to see a mirror image of something using a viewport?
    Autocad 2000
    Situation is this:

    I have drawn half of the front of a house. The other half is exactly the

    In papersoace, I have created a viewport to see the half drawn, and would
    like to create a mirrored image
    and put them together to see the whole house.

    how can I do this?

    Text is not an issue at this time.

    jojo, Mar 2, 2006
  2. jojo

    zac.carey Guest

    Either make a block/xref of the half you've drawn with its insertion
    point on the mirror line or create two mviews alongside each other but
    view the other one from behind - ucs y 180 plan current
    zac.carey, Mar 3, 2006
  3. This is often done with blocks or xrefs. You mirror the insertions that need
    You should be aware that for one reason or another, this doesn't always
    not from a CAD perspective, but from graphic one.

    Michael Bulatovich, Mar 3, 2006
  4. jojo

    jojo Guest

    create two mviews alongside each other but
    view the other one from behind - ucs y 180 plan current

    This is exactly what I wanted! Thanks!
    jojo, Mar 3, 2006
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