Mirror and Flip Components within an assy?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by IYM, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. IYM

    IYM Guest

    Is there a easy way to mirror components & flip in an assembly? I have a
    worm gear in the upper right side (when looking at the front plane), and I
    need to have it in the lower left side, facing the opposite
    direction....Would be nice if they let us mirror about 2 planes. I know I
    can just reinsert it as I have many times in the past, but I was just
    thinking that I shouldn't have to. Any suggested workarounds?....I'm fried
    today (long weekend) and I'm just not coming up with any ideas....

    IYM, Sep 26, 2005
  2. IYM

    Brian Guest

    Insert-Mirror Components.. this you would have to do twice and supress
    the first or
    Insert-Component Pattern-Circular pattern draw a line at a 45 degree
    angle and select it as the axis to rotate about
    Brian, Sep 26, 2005
  3. IYM

    IYM Guest

    OK - duh....I should'a remembered the second one....(as well as being so
    obvious that I missed it, but I was mentally hung up on mirroring)

    Thanks again...
    IYM, Sep 27, 2005
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