Minimum tangency requirement

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pablo, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. Pablo

    Pablo Guest


    In a surface loft, when I try to make one of the loft egdes tangent I get
    the following message:

    The resulting surface may not achieve the desired tangency, however, it will
    still be created. One or more of the specified profiles does not meet the
    minimum tangency requirement of less than 2° to the guide curve tangency

    Can someone explain me what this mean? Also what is the difference
    between a surface created not having the desired tangency (after receiving
    the above message) and a surface without the tangency? The reason is that
    these two surface don't seem to be the same (when the zebra stripes is on,
    they change depending the if I try to make it tangent or not)

    Pablo, Nov 24, 2003
  2. id have to see your loft.
    but your guided curves is not even close to being tangent to the
    surface it is connected to. send me the loft with guided curve and ill
    show you the problem and a possible solution.
    Sean Phillips, Nov 24, 2003
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