Minimal DXF requirements for using MTEXT

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Foster, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Chris Foster

    Chris Foster Guest

    I'm developing an application that creates DXF files. I am
    successfully outputting DXF files with Polylines/Points/Text entites.
    I need to use MText entities but am having some difficulty in getting
    them to work. I think the problem may be due to me not outputting the
    minimal requirements for a R13 DXF format. I have looked at the
    documentation on AutoDesks website but am none the wiser.

    My approach is to create an AutoCAD R13 DXF file from AutoCAD LT 2000
    with a single MText entity. I'm then attempting to delete as much as
    possible from the file and still open it in AutoCAD. I am having big
    problems doing this. Can anybody help me?
    Chris Foster, Jul 21, 2004
  2. Chris Foster

    Chris Foster Guest

    I have just found the header variable $HANDSEED that was causing me
    big problems when not including it. Think I can work it out from
    Chris Foster, Jul 23, 2004
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