Migrating ACAD.PAT file from Acad2000 to 2005 ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Eigensinn, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Eigensinn

    Eigensinn Guest

    I tried simply replacing the stock acad.pat file )about 15 kb) that
    came with AutoCAD2005 which I finally found in

    E: \Program Files\AutoCAD 2005\UserDataCache\Support

    with my old acad.pat file (about 175 kb) from AutoCAD2000.

    However, when I run AutoCAD 2005 after having replaced the pattern
    file, only the limited options of the stock pattern file appear.

    So I went to the HELP facility and it tells me to follow the
    instructions in the MIGRATE dialgue window to do the deed.

    Now if only I could find this MIGRATE tool. I tried typing in MIGRATE.
    No dice. I looked thtough all the pull-dwon menus. Nada.
    Can anyone fill me in on what to do ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Eigensinn, Sep 23, 2004
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