
Discussion in 'Microstation' started by COLIN, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. COLIN

    COLIN Guest

    Is there a way to triangulate a complex surface in microstation?
    COLIN, Jun 8, 2006
  2. COLIN

    Manisha Guest

    You can triangulate the surface using the "Create Facet/Mesh" tool
    which lies in "Mesh Modeling" (Microstation V8 XM)

    1.Key-In: MDL Load Facet
    2.Key-In Facet Create
    3.Identify the surface and accept datapoint(s).

    I hope this helps.

    ~Manisha Bhole
    Manisha, Jun 14, 2006
  3. COLIN

    Manisha Guest

    Do you meam SmarSurface???
    If yes then, select the smart surface and thn apply the steps I
    mentioned in previous post.
    For some of the smart surface, it may not be able to triangulate. I
    this case, you may need to drop the smart surface into surfaces and
    then triangulate the constituents.
    After tringulating those constituents, you can then stitch them or
    Ofcourse, success of all of above methods is totally depend on what
    kind of data do you have. If possible, please post the data here and I
    could give a try for you.

    Manisha, Jun 15, 2006
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