MicroStation Modeler V7.1 Solar Study?

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Christopher R. Thompson, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. I asked this question on one of the Bently Groups, but no one responded
    so I'll ask here and see what happens. I am trying to run a solar study, and
    I want to have a parabolic dish point at the sun as each frame of the solar
    study is generated. Does anyone know how to track the sun position during
    the solar study and have an object in the model move with it kinda

    Unfortunately it has taken over a month and a half to get my user
    license from Bently and my school project is due next Thursday. I have been
    reading the user manual online, but if it is going to take more than a week
    to get up to speed, then I don't have the time to waste with it. It has
    already taken a week to build the model and while the hard part is now out
    of the way, I still am only half way done. I don't know whether I should do
    an animation, write a macro, solar study or what. If I have to do an
    animation and set up each frame individually, then obviously I don't have
    the time, but if I can write a quick and dirty macro to move a part while
    the solar study is running, then my problems are over. I wouldn't think that
    should be to hard to do if someone could point me in the right direction on
    how to proceed or what part of the online documentation to read.

    Christopher R. Thompson
    Student of Mechanical Engineering
    California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
    Home: http://www.csupomona.edu/~cthompson1
    Christopher R. Thompson, Mar 6, 2004
  2. I suggest you try on the bentley.microstation. visualization group and on

    And for visualization you are much better off with v8.
    Thomas Voghera, Mar 6, 2004
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