Microsoft wireless optical mouse 2

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Law, Aug 25, 2006.

  1. Brian Law

    Brian Law Guest

    I have just bought and fitted a Microsoft Wireless Optical mouse 2, and
    although it mostly works fine it will not rotate a model when I press the
    middle roller and move the mouse. This always used to work on the ordinary
    optical mouse.

    Is there a setting I am missing?


    Brian Law


    Web :
    Tel. no. +44 (0) 116 2857436
    Brian Law, Aug 25, 2006
  2. Make sure that the roller is set to "middle mouse button"

    Michael Eckstein, Aug 25, 2006
  3. Brian Law

    Brian Law Guest


    Thanks for that, it sort of works but not every time, it seems that after
    approx three uses it refuses to rotate, but if I wait a few seconds it will
    start working again.


    Brian Law
    Brian Law, Aug 25, 2006
  4. Hi,

    Not to mention the "new" driver does not let you set the wheel to scroll
    less than 3 lines per wheel rotation...

    My new MS Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 is great, but suffered from the original
    posts problem, as well as this scroll issue...

    I really like the freedom and accuracy of this mouse so I guess I will live
    with it, or roll back the driver; but I do not know if it will work with
    this new mouse.... bummer.

    Sure wish software people would stop fixing things, and actually just fix
    the bugs!

    Aron \(\), Aug 25, 2006
  5. Brian Law

    CS Guest

    I have an explorer 4.0 A and have found that the side scroll feature
    causes the Middle mouse click and hold to be lost if it is tilted
    slightly. I mapped my middle mouse click to one of the thumb buttons
    instead and that works quite well. I mapped the second one to CTRL so
    that I could multi-select with one hand also
    CS, Aug 25, 2006
  6. Brian Law

    iQ Guest

    Another item is that you may be able to disable the wheel support on
    certain programs. i found this on a Msoft trackball that has in the
    mouse properties a tab for "wheel". in this dialog box there is a
    troubleshooting and there is an advanced selection that in the next
    dialog box is a disable wheel support for certain programs. add SWx to
    this list. again if this is available in current mouse driver. i also
    use an older mouse driver. iQ
    iQ, Aug 25, 2006
  7. Brian Law

    Bo Guest

    I have looked at a lot of mice & tried more than a few.

    Most I tried were "normal" sized. I thought, "Well, that is what is

    Then I needed a small mouse for my laptops when I travel, so I bought
    the RadTech BT500 Bluetooth mouse with a scroll wheel which functions
    as a middle button.

    The BT500 worked first time, every time with SolidWorks right out of
    the box with no software.

    What is more, the small mouse lets my hand assume a much more stress
    free position over the mouse.

    If anyone wants to look at one they can see it here:


    I see they are offering "savings", which means they are going to likely
    offer a new model soon.

    Bo, Aug 25, 2006
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