Microsoft Hot Fix 919880 to reduce file size on save

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by solid steve, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. solid steve

    solid steve Guest

    FYI this hot fix is on the SW portel. This has 1/2 the size of some my

    Any good way of opening, ctrl-q, and saving folders of SW files?

    solid steve, Dec 8, 2006
  2. Solidworks Task Scheduler?
    silashilliard, Dec 8, 2006
  3. Would the file size reduction be different than from using Ecosqueeze?

    bill allemann, Dec 8, 2006

  4. I read the Microsoft Knowledge Base article and don't see any reference to
    reducing file sizes. It does say that "the storage object may be corrupted"
    if the error occurs which, I assume, this hot fix is supposed to correct.
    Does anyone know what is really going on here?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 11, 2006
  5. Paul,

    The SolidWorks Knowledge Base article does say that it won't reduce file
    sizes for all files and specifically mentions that it is most likely to
    reduce file size on files with many configurations. They also don't make any
    claims as to how big the file size reduction will be.

    Given your results, I'm not about to rush to download the hot fix.

    Has anyone else tried it and got results to share?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 11, 2006

  6. I gave this a try on my largest part 322 megs, 10 configurations, the hot
    fix reduced the size (by) 120 megs. Works for me :) at least on that part.

    Mike Eckstein
    Michael Eckstein, Dec 12, 2006
  7. Whoa horsey,
    I just rechecked that file size and it looks like it has ballooned back to
    its original size. I had been working with it this afternoon, jumping around
    the configs etc, but nothing to add file size. Back to 320 megs. Oh Well!

    Michael Eckstein, Dec 12, 2006
  8. Hi, could anyone post a link to download the hotfix, because i don't
    have subscription to customer portal, thank you
    marianoflotron, Dec 13, 2006
  9. solid steve

    POH Guest

    I don't know about the specific effects of the mentioned HOT Fix;
    however, you may want to make note of the typical behavior of
    SolidWorks itself:

    For example, check the size of a file you have been working on and just
    saved. Then save the file by writing it out of SolidWorks as a COPY.
    Typically the copy will be smaller - sometimes much smaller, but the
    trouble is the "compression" is only temporary. Open the copy and save
    it (even without making any changes) and it will balloon to become
    larger. As I understand it, the size difference comes from the
    temporary stripping away of the OLE (object linking and embedding)

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Dec 14, 2006
  10. solid steve

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Yes Jerry, I noticed that too, along with this troubling statement directly
    from the MS bulletin...

    "This problem only occurs on FAT file systems. For example, flash drives
    frequently use the FAT file system. This problem does not occur on FAT32 or
    NTFS file systems."

    I really wonder if this is a smoke and mirror thing. Don't know what there
    motives might be but I added the hotfix and then restored back because it
    meant nothing for me either. If anything it added time to my rebuild and
    save times with sp2.0/2.1.

    If any certified MS MVP's frequent this group or anyone knows one that can
    be asked it sure would be nice to hear from them on this...

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 20, 2006
  11. solid steve

    toreadorxlt Guest

    hotfixed seemed to work so far for me.

    brought a 980mb file down to 67mb.
    toreadorxlt, Dec 26, 2006
  12. Let us know itf it stays down. For me the files started to bloat again when
    I start making changes. Although I only saw a 30% reduction to begin with,
    not a 90%!!

    Michael Eckstein, Dec 26, 2006
  13. solid steve

    toreadorxlt Guest

    It was a fairly complex surface model file. Half of the tree was
    supressed, and the 900mbish was with shadow data. Either way, the
    folder I had for that paticular project was 9gb. After the hotfix, I
    ctrl-Q'd and saved a few of the largest files in that folder. It
    brought the folder size down to under 6gb.

    I added a few features onto the file that I had good results with, and
    the file size is staying down so far.
    toreadorxlt, Dec 27, 2006
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