Microsoft Cloud

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by The Flavored Coffee Guy, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Will destroy intellectual property rights by denying you access to a
    CPU or a Personal computer that will allow you to run applicaitons off
    line. You won't have any privacy to develop schematics, blueprints,
    manage invetions, devices, and believe me, anything of military
    interest is most likely going to be hacked and patented before you can
    The Flavored Coffee Guy, Oct 29, 2008
  2. The Flavored Coffee Guy

    Janes Guest

    Will destroy intellectual property rights by denying you access to a
    CPU or a Personal computer that will allow you to run applicaitons off
    line. You won't have any privacy to develop schematics, blueprints,
    manage invetions, devices, and believe me, anything of military
    interest is most likely going to be hacked and patented before you can

    This is the more-than-10-year-old idea of Sun and a consortium of PC and system designers who wanted to revolutionize the PC by making it cheaper, smaller, less memory and resource intensive and network based. It was to be called the NetPC and be something like the Asus eee 1000, only with few locally stored apps, most loaded from a high speed network as if from a hard drive. Now, Google's taken up the banner, so there's some hope for success, since it already has a few of these simple apps online for free use. Along comes MS to commercialize it, license it and dominate it, but playing catch up, as usual. A word to the wise, join Google!?! Or are they just the next new meddling bad guys! Meanwhile, Sun's got JAVA everywhere and the NetPC never got off the ground, for all the happy, positive, opptimistic, forward-looking talk "challenging" Microsoft (like the chest-beating of professional wrestlers?) Dire predictions of the loss of privacy, security, integrity aside, Azure has a long row to hoe to become a reality. And its consequence for apps such as Pro/e would be negligible as this data would be transmitted only in some key encrypted format.

    David Janes
    Janes, Nov 2, 2008
  3. We already have JAVA and Applets. If you don't like the format, or
    you don't like the applications, it's probably because of the
    potential security risk. If all of you data, is online only, how can
    you access anything you have proprietary rights to, without paying
    them for the service first? A home computer, you have it if you can
    afford it. There is freeware. AbiWord, Gnumeric, all of the basic
    office applications are out there and free. They operate on many
    different operating systems. Does the Economy look stable too you?
    What if your business relied upon doing things the way Microsoft
    already does? When we went from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, It was
    backwards compatable. But, 98 to XP is not backwards compatable. In
    order to run the same applications, you have to buy a whole new
    computer. Windows 3.1 was loaded via 3.5 inch disks, then you needed
    a computer that would boot from the CDROM, now you need a computer
    that will boot from a DVD. The next generation of Operating Systems
    would either fit on a thumb-drive, and boot from a thumb, or you have
    no security. Already, we don't have the backwards compatibility.
    That enables software authors to re-sell the same software only after
    recompiling the very same source code with a new compiler. They don't
    like the used book store selling official copies that were sold, but
    they want a constant flow of money coming too them. It's less
    business in fact, less user friendly, and when you push your
    applications clear out to some internet server, your subscription runs
    out, whereas you could own your applications. You don't need internet
    access to use a home computer, and the computer doesn't have to be
    hooked up to the internet to work. Everyone likes to make it seem
    that way, or treat it that way.

    Programmers, can't be all of that. Simply, they do shotty work, it's
    not a finished program, and they plan on making a job of finishing the
    programs that they write one little patch at a time, over actually
    working the bugs out before selling it. Microsoft has become a real
    coporation. But, they are not the power company, and want to be in
    the same place in every home as the power company. They want a
    monthly payment out of you for using the software, and were you may
    only pay 100 dollars for an operating system now, the billing for
    services would by far reach well beyond that. If it adds 20 dollars
    to your internet services, in 12 months you will have paid 240 dollars
    for your software, and next year, you will pay just as much. The way
    they want to put it, you never finish paying for the software, and the
    other modifications that require hardware modifications are not
    working for them. They can make you buy the same software again.
    But, by putting on the internet servers that way, they can charge you
    allot more, another 20 bucks a month for storage space. When you read
    the contracts the people write, they have the right to change their
    service agreements, billing and payment schemes, just like the fucking
    credit card companies. You think it's better? I don't.

    It should boot straight out of a thumbdrive, and if you own one,
    you've got one. It's a thumb drive you cannot write to, and the
    operating system doesn't allow you to read directly from it, unless
    you are the CPU, looking for the Operating System. The one socket
    system for Operating Systems beats it because, you pay for it once.
    The Flavored Coffee Guy, Nov 2, 2008
  4. Here's the facts dude. I figured out an algorithm that allows a
    computer to proof read any and all programs. But, for it to work it
    has to include a decompiler that decompiles every single program that
    appears on the hard drive, and or any other portable means provided by
    any form of media. The OS is written around the compiler/decompiler.
    The programming language is very simple it's a hybrid of Fortran and
    Boolean Logic Gates. Other than math functions, there are only seven
    symbols for the programmer to recognize.

    With that, the computer can track variables and strings, even diagnose
    truth tables of any given program and determine if it is a driver,
    application or a game. There is no way to build spyware, viruses, or
    adware. There is no reason for anti-virus software with a list of
    viruses that at this point in time is around 60,000 known computer
    viruses. All it does is check the code to insure that it came from
    the compiler. Compilers have a section of binary code that they
    output for every command in English or symbols that is sent to the
    disk in binary as the executable file. Decompiling it, allows a
    computer to actually build a truth table, and it can check for mouse
    clicks, graphic user interfaces, and associations of these in such
    manner as to define if the program is under the Users control.

    The absolute best computer scientists already know that this language
    has the potential of being the fastest executed, and easier to use the
    C or Visual Basic because, it can use machine code and assembly
    language macros that execute the fastest built from assembly language,
    added to compiler and decompiler as components. In Visual Basic, that
    would be an object in your library. As long as the decompiler can
    track data, and recognize function, then it can refuse to run any
    program that isn't written by the compiler based upon the OS requiring
    a confirmation from the decompiler/simulator.

    Your programming window would look just like this:

    Very Similar to LabView:

    It's based upon the Algebra of Sets, and there are data sets,
    instruction sets, and result sets that are all faithfully represented
    by ones and zeros in a fashion of presence and direction within the
    program. It works more like a flow chart, and it is not anywhere as
    difficult to learn as Basic.

    The really cool part, you can eliminate unneeded code from your
    source, and produce the fastest possible running program every time.
    There are a series of logic gate reduction algorithms available from
    De Morgan's Theorem on, and the process has been automated in software
    more than one time. If you wanted to put encryption between the
    decompiler and the truth tables, you'd make all allot harder. That
    means that Proprietary software has a problem with being decompiled to
    be deciphered for function and feature to insure that it isn't a
    Trojan, carrying a virus, spyware, or adware.

    Yes, it's all doable, and if you looked into the CPU, Math Function
    list, MMX and other extended features, you'd see that there is a way
    to do things much much faster with the same CPU you already have.
    The Flavored Coffee Guy, Nov 2, 2008
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