Micro Station on a Mac.

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by George Hobart, Dec 13, 2003.

  1. Does anyone have direct experience using Micro Station on a Mac.
    I am at a new company where they are trying to use Mac only.
    I would be interested in any engineering CAD software for the Mac also.
    George Hobart, Dec 13, 2003
  2. Current and future versions of Microstation do not support Mac. Only earlier
    versions up to about Microstation SE I think.

    Macs are mostly used for Desktop Publishing & Graphic design type
    applications. There are some architectural and CAD applications, but if you
    are an engineering company you are probably limiting yourself too much if
    you run Macs.

    Dennis Barker
    Dennis Barker, Dec 15, 2003
  3. Thanks Dennis. I am a veteran from the CAD and engineering wars. We
    are a new company and the decision was made because of the stability
    and ease of use for the MAC. Eventually they may allow me to build my
    PC to do CAD, but for now I have to exhaust all options. I have heard
    that others have tried the PC emulators on the MACs to run CAD and
    engineering programs. The MACs operating system runs on top of a UNIX
    OS. Running Microstation in that environment would be interesting.
    That is, if Microstation still has a UNIX version. I am new to the
    MAC, but you really have to give them credit. They have a very stable
    operating system that does run in their dual processor configuration,
    and did I mention that it is already 64 bit? The world of computers
    changes so fast it is hard to keep up. It would be interesting if one
    of the big CAD companies would utilize this system.

    George Hobart
    George Hobart, Dec 15, 2003
  4. George Hobart

    Lorys Guest

    Isn't Microstation on the mac is vitually identical from a pallet and
    commands perspective to PC version ?
    all right it don't have V8 but most people haven't moved up to V8 on pc
    either .
    If your using the SE version it should be pretty good..
    only you wont have too many mdls around to borrow but there are some extra
    tools at snuttar web site.
    You'll just have to make a load of macros and ucms your self...
    Check out DOTS in usa web sites they have loads of UCMS and you'll figure
    out from them most of the tricks and be up running your own in no time at

    Lorys, Dec 15, 2003
  5. Try this link: http://www.apple.com/macosx/applications/virtualpc/

    I have no personal experience with the software. I would also suggest
    reviewing the discussion at:

    I will cross posting to the Bentley/viecon group also.


    Dallas P. Morlan, P.S., Instructor
    Civil Engineering Technology
    Construction Sciences Department
    Columbus State Community College
    550 East Spring Street
    Columbus, OH 43215
    Voice: (614) 287-3693 FAX: (614) 287-3644
    Dallas Morlan, Dec 15, 2003
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