Michael Papp, "Canzie", self-styled "inventor" -- don't trust him

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Sporkman, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Just in case anyone in this newsgroup is tempted to get involved with
    Michael Papp of iNet Lending (screen name Canzie), I must tell you that
    he is not to be trusted. In fact he is a thief and a liar. If you want
    to deal with him at least do so knowing that much about him. When I say
    he is a thief I mean that he orders services from individuals having no
    intention to pay for them. That's defacto thievery. I have done good
    work for him, engineering work that he now shows on one of his Web
    sites, presenting it as if it were his own work (I can prove that and
    prove that it is my own work, not his -- just email me by removing or
    replacing the MUNGE text in my reply-to email address). He hasn't paid
    even though he continued to order work done weeks after he was invoiced
    and say that he was pleased with the progress made on the design
    project. He doesn't intend to pay, as evidenced by the fact that he
    doesn't return courteous emails and phone messages. I've confirmed that
    he is active in business and is not ill or incapacitated (i.e. he has no
    legitimate excuses).

    If Michael Papp is willing to shaft individuals who do good work for him
    and please him with their services imagine what he wouldn't mind doing
    to those who simply want him to do good work for them . . . If you want
    to take out a loan through him, do a little thinking and a little
    research first. Michael Papp claims on one of his own Web sites,
    "deadbeatdad.org", that he is "the most arrested man in New Jersey". Of
    course he claims that the arrests were unjust, and indicates via many
    examples just how much of a pycho his ex-wife is or was in getting him
    charged falsely many times. He says that she claimed that he is a
    "pathological liar" . . . as if that is an entirely untrue insult. I
    now suspect that his wife may be the more honest and sane one of the
    two. This man claims he has made two fortunes, and lost both, is now on
    his 3rd. I suspect if he made two fortunes he lost them both for
    reasons of poor judgement and dubious morals. Michael Papp also claims
    in Usenet newsgroup postings that he is making big bucks, lots more than
    his critics make. That's a rather telling claim, I think. If it's true
    then he's not just a thief, he's particularly dispicable because he
    could afford to pay me what he owes me, and if it's false then he's very
    obviously a liar.

    Don't trust this man.

    He uses a number of email aliases, among them are these at bottom -- but
    I've MUNGED them just to take the high ethical ground and not expose him
    to any more SPAM than is necessary. However, in posting the email
    addresses at all I consider that the good of those individuals who might
    otherwise unwittingly get involved with this man outweighs consideration
    for the man himself.

    Beware these email addresses:

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    Sporkman, Dec 16, 2003
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