Metric dim problems

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jay Guthrie, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. Jay Guthrie

    Jay Guthrie Guest

    I'm having a problem detailing with metric dims. Had the same problem on my
    old computer and now it's happening on my new one with a fresh install.

    With the precision of the drawing set to two decimal places, whenever I
    detail a feature that has a even metric value i.e. "10" I get a detail
    callout of 10 when I should be getting 10.00. This happens on hole callouts
    too. If I detail a feature that is 10.02, I get a callout of 10.02, like I

    Without the trailing zero's it's messing with the tolerances I want to
    express and it looks bad too. I can't find any settings to get it to stop.
    Doesn't do it when detailing in inches. It's hard for me to believe this
    could be a bug.

    Thanks for any help on this.

    Jay Guthrie, Feb 9, 2004
  2. Jay Guthrie

    kenneth b Guest

    tools>options>document properties>detailing>dimensioning standard>trailing
    zeros, "show". i believe it's been like this for a while. :)
    kenneth b, Feb 9, 2004
  3. Jay Guthrie

    Jay Guthrie Guest

    Thanks Kenneth, that was it! Never noticed it before.

    Jay Guthrie, Feb 9, 2004
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